
Addon SKPermissionsEx 0.5.0

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Jun 26, 2017
cheatchki submitted a new resource:

SKPermissionsEx - A addon for PermissionsEx

I personally use PermissionsEx a lot, along side that I use script a lot, I did however need a way to get a groups prefix, so I figured whatever, and I created this addon.

Currently SKPermissionEx is in early stages so many features are missing, but as a general guide I will be following this to guide the development of this addon, I am releasing it now that way if people choose to they can start playing around with it...

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cheatchki updated SKPermissionsEx with a new update entry:

The Normalization

Basically, I once again just rewrote the plugin (bad habit) but this time I am actually really happy with the result and most likely means it won't change internally much from now on. Only changes will just be new additions.
That being what has changed includes
- Three new types have been added
- all the expressions have been reworked
- new expressions and a new effect

Read the rest of this update entry...