Skill GUI

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Active Member
Aug 23, 2017
So i am making a skill GUI that is featuring in contact of the GUI itself the code is pasted down below ^^
Now what do i do? make it a click then run string or does anyone know anything else? (The main thing im trying to do is make it so the iron sword named 0 / 100 goes to 1 / 100)
command /skills1:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6Skills" to player
        format gui slot 0 of player with book named "&6Skill Points: 0" with lore "&7These are you're &6SKILL &7points that you||&7Can invest in custom abilities!" 
        format gui slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&6Attack Damage: 0 / 100" with lore "&7This will increase you're &6ATTACK DAMAGE &7that||&7You do to you're enemy!||||&6Attack Damage: &60%% >>> 5%%"

on inventory click:
    name of player's cursor slot is "&7Attack Damage: "
    set {_I::*} to lore of player's cursor slot split at "||"
    loop {_I::*}:
        if "%loop-value%" contains "&7Attack Damage: ":
            set {_t} to loop-index parsed as integer
            stop loop
    set {_I} to "%uncolored {_I::%{_t}%}%"
    replace every "Attack Damage: " with "" in {_I}
    replace every " " with "" in {_I}
    set {_A::*} to {_I} split at "/"
    set {_O} to {_A::1} parsed as number
    set {_P} to {_A::2} parsed as number
    add 1 to {_o}
So yes i did it thank you! But the problem im stumbling up upon is this. It doesnt change anything what do i have to do?
command /skills:
        create a gui with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&6Skills":
            make next gui with book named "&6Skill Points: 0" with lore "&7These are you're &6SKILL &7points that you||&7Can invest in custom abilities!"
            make next gui with iron sword named "&6Attack Damage" with lore "&7This will increase you're &6ATTACK DAMAGE &7that||&7You do to you're enemy!||&6Attack Damage Level: 0 / 100||||&6Attack Damage: &60%% >>> 5%%":
                if gui-click-action is left mouse or right mouse button:
                    lore of clicked item contains "&6Attack Damage Level: "
                    set {_I::*} to lore of clicked item split at "||"
                    loop {_I::*}:
                        if "%loop-value%" contains "&6Attack Damage Level: ":
                            set {_t} to loop-index parsed as integer
                            stop loop
                    set {_I} to "%uncolored {_I::%{_t}%}%"
                    replace every "Attack Damage Level: " with "" in {_I}
                    replace every " " with "" in {_I}
                    set {_A::*} to {_I} split at "/"
                    set {_O} to {_A::1} parsed as number
                    set {_P} to {_A::2} parsed as number
                    add 1 to {_o}
        open last gui to player
So yes i did it thank you! But the problem im stumbling up upon is this. It doesnt change anything what do i have to do?
command /skills:
        create a gui with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&6Skills":
            make next gui with book named "&6Skill Points: 0" with lore "&7These are you're &6SKILL &7points that you||&7Can invest in custom abilities!"
            make next gui with iron sword named "&6Attack Damage" with lore "&7This will increase you're &6ATTACK DAMAGE &7that||&7You do to you're enemy!||&6Attack Damage Level: 0 / 100||||&6Attack Damage: &60%% >>> 5%%":
                if gui-click-action is left mouse or right mouse button:
                    lore of clicked item contains "&6Attack Damage Level: "
                    set {_I::*} to lore of clicked item split at "||"
                    loop {_I::*}:
                        if "%loop-value%" contains "&6Attack Damage Level: ":
                            set {_t} to loop-index parsed as integer
                            stop loop
                    set {_I} to "%uncolored {_I::%{_t}%}%"
                    replace every "Attack Damage Level: " with "" in {_I}
                    replace every " " with "" in {_I}
                    set {_A::*} to {_I} split at "/"
                    set {_O} to {_A::1} parsed as number
                    set {_P} to {_A::2} parsed as number
                    add 1 to {_o}
        open last gui to player
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "what do I do next?". I mean it looks like you need to add a condition that checks a variable that stores their skill points. and if they have points to spend (ie: {point-variable} > 0) then remake the slot with the updated name and lore. But that variable can't be local or you will always end up with 1/100 because it doesn't save the value as a local variable. to remake a slot you just set the clot number again like this
                    add 1 to {_o}
                    make gui slot 2 with iron sword named "&6Attack Damage" with lore "&7This will increase you're &6ATTACK DAMAGE &7that||&7You do to you're enemy!||&6Attack Damage Level: %{_o}% / 100||||&6Attack Damage: &60%% >>> 5%%":
the %{_o}% / 100|| portion will make it go up when clicked, but again, the value of %{_o}% will be 0 + 1 everytime it runs right now because it's local.
Does that help a bit?
Yes it did thank you!
But the good thing is i fugered it out on my own! But there are still 2 problems left il post them here now!
1. This has to individual to each player how would i make it like that?
2. How do i track it with every opening for example it is 1 / 100 and if i close and reopen it it will still say 0 / 100 how do i change it to be 0 / 100?
3. Now about skill points i want to make it when you level up it adds 2 to {_a} but it doesnt really do that. Do you know how?
And thanks for lots of replies ^^
Code i have right now:
command /skills:
        create a gui with virtual chest with 3 rows named "&6Skills":
            make gui 0 with book named "&6Skill Points" with lore "&7These are you're &6SKILL &7points that you||&7Can invest in custom abilities!||&6Skill Points: 0":
                lore of gui-clicked-item contains "&6Skill Points: "
                set {_K::*} to lore of gui-clicked-item split at "||"
                loop {_K::*}:
                    if "%loop-value%" contains "&6Skill Points: ":
                        set {_t} to loop-index parsed as integer
                        stop loop
                set {_K} to "%uncolored {_k::%{_e}%}%"
                replace every "Skill Points: " with "" in {_K}
                replace every " " with "" in {_K}
                set {_A} to {_C::1} parsed as number
                set the {_k}th line of lore of gui-clicked-item to "&6Skill Points: %{_a}%"
            make gui 1 with iron sword named "&6Attack Damage" with lore "&7This will increase you're &6ATTACK DAMAGE &7that||&7You do to you're enemy!||&6Attack Damage Level: 0 / 100||||&6Attack Damage: &60%% / 500%%":
                if gui-click-action is left mouse or right mouse button:
                    lore of gui-clicked-item contains "&6Attack Damage Level: "
                    set {_I::*} to lore of gui-clicked-item split at "||"
                    loop {_I::*}:
                        if "%loop-value%" contains "&6Attack Damage Level: ":
                            set {_t} to loop-index parsed as integer
                            stop loop
                    set {_I} to "%uncolored {_I::%{_t}%}%"
                    replace every "Attack Damage Level: " with "" in {_I}
                    replace every " " with "" in {_I}
                    set {_A::*} to {_I} split at "/"
                    set {_O} to {_A::1} parsed as number
                    add 1 to {_o}
                    set the {_t}th line of lore of gui-clicked-item to "&6Attack Damage Level: %{_o}% / 100"
                    lore of gui-clicked-item contains "&6Attack Damage: "
                    set {_J::*} to lore of gui-clicked-item split at "||"
                    loop {_J::*}:
                        if "%loop-value%" contains "&6Attack Damage: ":
                            set {_l} to loop-index parsed as integer
                            stop loop
                    set {_J} to "%uncolored {_J::%{_l}%}%"
                    replace every "Attack Damage: " with "" in {_J}
                    replace every " " with "" in {_J}
                    set {_B::*} to {_J} split at "/"
                    set {_M} to {_B::1} parsed as number
                    add 5 to {_m}
                    set the {_l}th line of lore of gui-clicked-item to "&6Attack Damage: %{_m}% / 500 %%"
        open last gui to player
on level change:
    add 2 to {_a}
to make it save the progress you need the variable to be not-local(no underscore). Local variables delete themselves when the code is not running, and reinvent themselves when you run the code.
To make it player specific, add a the player name to the variable that stores your skills. You can do that when the on level change event happens.
on level change:
    add 2 to {%player%.SkillVariable::*}
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