Solved Skellett not working?

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Aug 20, 2017
Hello so I installed Skellett. Everyting looks good:
There is no error.

BUT when I try and load this Skript:

function Detect(p: player, r: text):
    add 1 to {alertl::%{_p}%}
    if {alertl::%{_p}%} > 20:
        make console execute command "/§kicktoomany %{_p}%"
    loop all players:
        loop-player is op:
            send "&8[&6&l!&8] &bAntiCheat &8» &6%{_p}% &7a été détecté pour: &c%{_r}% &6(%{alertl::%{_p}%}%)'" to loop-player
            play sound "LEVEL_UP" to loop-player with volume 1 and pitch 2
command /§kicktoomany <player>:
        kick arg 1 due to "&cVous envoyez trop de packets"
        Detect(arg-1, "&4Trop de packets (déconnexion)")
on packet:
    event-string is "PacketPlayInFlying" or "PacketPlayInPosition" or "PacketPlayInPositionLook" or "PacketPlayInLook"
    add 1 to {counter::%event-player%}
    if {counter::%event-player%} > 30:
        Detect(event-player, "Too many packets")
every 1 second:
    clear {counter::*}
    clear {alertl::*}

I get this errors:

[Server Main Thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'Detect(p: player, r: text)' is not a text (, line 1: function Detect(p: player, r: text):')
[18:52:03] [Server Main Thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'Detect(arg-1, "&4Trop de packets (déconnexion)")' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 12: Detect(arg-1, "&4Trop de packets (déconnexion)")')
[18:52:03] [Server Main Thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'Detect(event-player, "Too many packets")' is not a boolean (yes/no) (, line 17: Detect(event-player, "Too many packets")')
[18:52:03] [Server Main Thread/WARN]: [Skript] Possible name conflict of variables {counter::*} and {counter::%event-player%} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 19: clear {counter::*}')
[18:52:04] [Skript update thread/INFO]: [Skript] You're currently running the latest stable version of Skript.
[18:52:05] [Server Main Thread/WARN]: [Skript] Possible name conflict of variables {alertl::%loop-player%} and {alertl::*} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 789: clear {alertl::%loop-player%}')
[18:52:05] [Server Main Thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 3 scripts with a total of 33 triggers and 29 commands in 2.33 seconds
[18:52:05] [Server Main Thread/INFO]: [Skript] Finished loading.

I googled but can't find any solution. Please help
That's nothing to do with Skellett. I can walk you through the errors and how to fix them. So, everything talking about name conflicts in variables is default Skript behaviour, nothing to be concerned about. It does look like your Detect() function expects a boolean instead of a text for the second argument, make sure there are no other skripts that also have that same function name.

Besides, I'm fairly certain this kind of system has been asked about before, and I think I made a functioning one.

EDIT: Found it! You can change the kick message and max packets per second in the options inside the file. :emoji_slight_smile:


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