[SkelettProxy Error] When using Chat

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May 31, 2017
I'm making a 100% script server, and I tried to make Chat Prefixes, It worked, but
I am getting errors in Bungeecord with SkellettProxy. @LimeGlass Maybe you could help?

Here is the code: https://pastebin.com/raw/RyNtq27E

Here is the error: https://pastebin.com/raw/5FFG26gC
(The error appears when I type something in chat, only once.)

SkellettProxy 1.3.3a
Skellett 1.9.4
Bungeecord 1.11
Spigot 1.8.9
Skript 2.2 Dev 25
[doublepost=1496784532,1496779650][/doublepost]BUMP :emoji_frowning:

Are you putting this in the Global Scripts folder? Is that why you're asking about it with SkellettProxy? When does the error happen? If you don't use SkellettProxy you don't need to have it enabled, but I can't tell if you're using it or not. Can you give us some more infomation? Have you setup Skellett and SkellettProxy properly and they're talking to eachother?

P.S when users tag me in their original posting of the thread. I never get a notification. Only after when they tag me again or it gets merged from a double post I see it. @BaeFell Error? I have reported this before. Any infomation to expand on this?
Are you putting this in the Global Scripts folder? Is that why you're asking about it with SkellettProxy? When does the error happen? If you don't use SkellettProxy you don't need to have it enabled, but I can't tell if you're using it or not. Can you give us some more infomation? Have you setup Skellett and SkellettProxy properly and they're talking to eachother?

P.S when users tag me in their original posting of the thread. I never get a notification. Only after when they tag me again or it gets merged from a double post I see it. @BaeFell Error? I have reported this before. Any infomation to expand on this?
They got banned :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
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