SkDragon Block particles

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Active Member
Aug 5, 2018
Hello, im trying to get block particles for blocks that i put down, and when i break them, it would remove the particle. Im not good with SkDragon, but i already started on something here. When i place 1 block, it has the particles, but if i place another one, it wont have particles. When i break the block, it also removes the particles. But if anyone is good with SkDragon, and knows how to make this work, please let me know ASAP.


on place of crying obsidian:
    if name of player's held item contains "&cHeads Storage":
        add 1 to {headstorage::%player%}
        add location of event-block to {headstorage::placed::%player%::*}
        set {storage::part::%player%} to location of targeted block
        drawComplexCircle particle "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 255, center {storage::part::%player%}, id "t", randomRotation true, radius .8, density 20, start 0, visibleRange 100, xRotation 25, yRotation 54, zRotation 0
        play falling lava at the targeted block to the player
        send "&aYou placed your &cHeads Storage!"
        create safe explosion with force 1 at event-block
        loop 10 times:
            play sound "AMBIENT_SOUL_SAND_VALLEY_ADDITIONS" at location of player for player
on break:
    if event-block is crying obsidian:
        if {headstorage::placed::%player%::*} contains location of event-block:
            stopEffect id "t"
            remove location of event-block from {headstorage::placed::%player%::*}
            send "&aYou picked up your &cHeads Storage!"
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