simulate block break

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Feb 9, 2024
Hello, how i can stimulate the destruction of the block for the player's tool?

The player's tool has a custom durability in lore, and if I change the durability of the tool itself, then the custom durability does not change.

therefore, I need a way that will stimulate the player's action - breaking the block.
Are you trying to make the lore change when the item's durability changes? If so, I'm pretty sure it's not that complex but you're gonna have to wait until when I get home (and feel like it).
Are you trying to make the lore change when the item's durability changes? If so, I'm pretty sure it's not that complex but you're gonna have to wait until when I get home (and feel like it).
No, I need to simulate a block breaking event. This causes a change in the Lore and NBT tag of custom strength.

that is, when activated, the script should make simulate block break with a player's tool
I don't think you can do that with regular Skript, but I know there is an addon that allows you to do that called skript-reflect. Let me give you an example:

Rich (BB code):

Only issue is, I don't understand the 'change in the lore and nbt' part.
Also, sorry for talking so long to respond. I took a break from coding for a while.