Simple Chunk Collector

Script Simple Chunk Collector 1.1.0

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Addon Developer
Jan 4, 2022
erenkara submitted a new resource:

Simple Chunk Collector - A hopper that collects all spawned items in a chunk.

A hopper that collects spawned items in a chunk. If the hopper is full, the item is not collected.
You can't place more than 1 chunk collectors in a single chunk.
You can get a chunk collector using the /givechunkcollector command. (Requires the 'chunk.collector.give' permission)

No addons needed

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Really good plugin, but is there way to make it bigger? because I'm making a plotsquared gen server and I need it so it collects items inside my plot!
Really good plugin, but is there way to make it bigger? because I'm making a plotsquared gen server and I need it so it collects items inside my plot!
if you mean bigger as in more slots, currently not
it would require a full rewrite
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