Solved Shop gui

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New Member
Jul 20, 2023

Suggested name:

Spigot/Skript Version:Latest

What I want:

a shop gui whitout items in it but with examples in it like set slot 22 (item name)
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: whenever u can , i'd like like 3 or 4 days
Heres a ls shop thing I use, probs not wat your lookin for
command /heartshop:
open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lHeart shop" to player
set slot 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 of player's current inventory to blue stained glass pane named "&7&lZ"
set slot 3 of player's current inventory to heart of the sea named "&c&lHeart" with lore "&7Purchasable for $700"
set slot 4 of player's current inventory to heart of the sea named "&c&l5 Hearts" with lore "&7Purchasable for $2,800"
set slot 5 of player's current inventory to heart of the sea named "&c&l10 Hearts" with lore "&7Purchasable for $4,900"
on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&c&lHeart shop":
if name of event-item is "&c&lHeart":
if player's balance is greater than 2,800:
remove 700 from the player's balance
make server execute command "/ls edithearts %player% +1"
cancel event
send "&aTransaction complete!"
send "&cSorry, You dont have enough money to buy this."
cancel event
if name of event-item is "&c&l5 Hearts":
if player's balance is greater than 2800:
remove 2800 from the player's balance
make server execute command "/ls edithearts %player% +5"
cancel event
send "&aTransaction complete!"
send "&cSorry, You dont have enough money to buy this."
cancel event
if name of event-item is "&c&l10 Hearts":
if player's balance is greater than 4900:
remove 4900 from the player's balance
make server execute command "/ls edithearts %player% +10"
cancel event
send "&aTransaction complete!"
send "&cSorry, You dont have enough money to buy this."
cancel event
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