Solved Send title to all players in world

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Active Member
Jan 27, 2018
How to send title in different world ?

I have this code but only 1 player see this title and I would like everyone to see

                            loop all players:
                                play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                wait 5 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &a5&7 sekund" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &24&7 sekundy" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &e3&7 sekundy" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &62&7 sekundy" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &c1&7 sekunde" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                execute player command "region select {@region_biale_pole}"
                                execute player command "//set 0"
                                delete {ox::pyt::tak::%{_pytanie}%}
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&aPoprawna odpowiedz za &23&a sekundy" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&aPoprawna odpowiedz za &62&a sekundy" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                send loop-player title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&aPoprawna odpowiedz za &c1&a sekunde" for 1 seconds
                                wait 1 second
                                execute player command "region select {@region_czerwone_pole}"
                                execute player command "//replace 152,89 0"
                                broadcast "{@tag} &8» &7Poprawna odpowiedz to: &aTAK&7!"
                                play raw sound "note.bass" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                wait 3 seconds
                                execute player command "//undo"
                                wait 1 tick
                                execute player command "//undo"
Thanks for reply
I trying loop all players but only 1 player get message becouse i use wait 1 second
i don't know how i can send to all in this same time
i can't becouse
I want him to perform only once for all loop players and when I will remove it will be repeated

there is no such option?
send all players in world "spawn" title "{@tag}" with subtitle "&7Biale pole zniknie za &c1&7 sekunde" for 1 seconds
skellet's title effect takes %players%
(send|show) [a] title [from] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] (to|for) %players% for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]

(send|show) %players% [a] title [(with|from)] %string% [(with|and) [subtitle] %-string%] for %timespan%(,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]in](,| and| with) %timespan% [fade[ ]out]
Then just take out stop.
It won't keep the loop going, it'll finish the loop and then start on the next player in the loop.
Also with all your waits, 17 seconds total, multiply that by the number of players, say 10, thats 170 seconds, which is almost 3 minutes for that entire loop to complete
thanks for the help I've already done, it was enough to make a variable and add players to her: D
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