Solved Send a Title to everyone

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Jul 4, 2017
So i want to send every player a title about the server is restarting
the Title is "&c&lServer Restarting"
the Subtitle is "&ain [time] seconds"

Here's my code:


    prefix: &c&lSoul&f&lStars &8&l>> &r

command /icrst [<text>]:

    permission: icritiqing.restarttimings.use

    permission message: {@prefix}&cOH HELL NO!


        #passwordnya yang ada di dalem tanda petik!

        if arg 1 is "120204":
            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&a%player% &cmenyalakan mode restart! !"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""
            wait 1 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 10 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            wait 5 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 5 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            wait 1 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 4 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            wait 1 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 3 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            wait 1 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 2 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            wait 1 second

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            broadcast "{@prefix}&cServer ini akan di restart dalam waktu 1 detik!"

            broadcast ""

            broadcast ""

            execute console command "restart"

        else if arg 1 is not "120204":

            send "{@prefix}&cPassword salah!"


            send "{@prefix}&c/icrst (password)"

            send "{@prefix}&cPassword ada di dalam skript ''''"


I searched the docs and i found that i can use SkRayFall to make titles and subtitles, so i make this

send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 10 seconds" for 5 seconds
wait 5 seconds
send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 5 seconds" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 4 seconds" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 3 seconds" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 2 seconds" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&cServer Restarting" with subtitle "&ain 1 seconds" for 1 seconds

But that only sends it to me(i think, haven't tested that out yet)

but, i want it to send it to all online players