Solved Sell Skript

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Feb 26, 2019
Category: Selling

Suggested name: Sell

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.12.2 Spigot / 2.2-dev36

What I want: A sell skript that will sell Coal Ore for 5$ and Iron Ore for 10$ I want that when you sell you get 1 sell message wich says how many items you sold for how many $ I want to use a variable for this and that one is {balance::%player's uuid%} I've made a skript wich is basically what i want but i can't let it work:

Ideas for commands: /Sell

Ideas for permissions: Everyone has acces

When I'd like it by: This week

[doublepost=1555409540,1555318451][/doublepost]Someone helped me in discord! Solved
Just to make sure if others need that heres something I wrote:
command sell:
        set {_} to amount of iron ore in player' inventory
        add {_}*10 to {balance::%player's uuid%}
        send "You've sold %{_}% Iron ore for ({_]*10)$"
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Just to make sure if others need that heres something I wrote:
command sell:
        set {_} to amount of iron ore in player' inventory
        add {_}*10 to {balance::%player's uuid%}
        send "You've sold %{_}% Iron ore for ({_]*10)$"
it would probably be a good idea to remove the iron ore from the inventory after, so it would go like this:
command /sell:
    set {_iron} to amount of iron ore in player's inventory
    add {_iron}*10 to {balance::%player's uuid%}
    send "You've sold %{_}% Iron ore for ({_]*10)$"
    remove {_iron} iron ore from player's inventory