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May 23, 2024
on block break:
    if "%region at event-block%" contains "mine":
        set {_power::*} to line 1 of lore of player's tool split at "Explosive "
        set {_power::2} to {_power::2} parsed as an integer
        if player is holding unbreakable pickaxe with lore "&7Explosive %{_power::2}%":
            chance of {_power::2}/100:
                create fake explosion at event-location
                loop all blocks in radius 1+({_power::2}/10) around event-location:
                    if "%region at loop-block%" contains "mine":
                        break loop-value naturally
                        set loop-block to air
Code above shows an explosive enchant. The problem is that if the line "Explosive {number}" is on any line except 1, it will not work.
I tried:
* removing the "line 1 of" in line 3 of the code to "to" thus saying: "set {_power::*} to the lore of player's tool split at "Explosive "". Didn't work.
* Trying a number range. Didn't work.

Any help would be appreciated.
I would reccomend storing enchantments in the nbt of the tool because it eill be a lot easier to check if the tool has a certain enchant an what level it would be. To set an enchantment you can do set int tag "explosion" of nbt of player's tool to 1 and then to check if it has explosion you would do if nbt of player's tool has tag "explosion":. If you wanted to get the level you could do set {_level} to int tag "explosion" of nbt of player's tool. All of this requires skbee
I would reccomend storing enchantments in the nbt of the tool because it eill be a lot easier to check if the tool has a certain enchant an what level it would be. To set an enchantment you can do set int tag "explosion" of nbt of player's tool to 1 and then to check if it has explosion you would do if nbt of player's tool has tag "explosion":. If you wanted to get the level you could do set {_level} to int tag "explosion" of nbt of player's tool. All of this requires skbee
Hi, thanks for the reply. The code worked, however I have another problem:

command /explosive <integer>:
        set int tag "explosive" of nbt of player's tool to %arg-1%
        add "&7Explosive %arg-1%" to lore of player's tool

I don't know the exact types you can put into the <> but it doesn't seem integer is one of them. Tried checking the docs but that came out inconclusive.

The error reads:
int tag "explosive" of nbt from tool of the play can't be set to "%arg-1%' because the latter is not an integer
Hi, thanks for the reply. The code worked, however I have another problem:

command /explosive <integer>:
        set int tag "explosive" of nbt of player's tool to %arg-1%
        add "&7Explosive %arg-1%" to lore of player's tool

I don't know the exact types you can put into the <> but it doesn't seem integer is one of them. Tried checking the docs but that came out inconclusive.

The error reads:
int tag "explosive" of nbt from tool of the play can't be set to "%arg-1%' because the latter is not an integer
Dont put % around arg-1
integer should be alright for the <>