scoreboard scripts failed 1.20

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May 5, 2024
In 1.20.4, the commonly distributed scoreboard scripts failed

So I'd like to ask you for an example of the 1.20.4 scoreboard script syntax
Could you please give me a phrase that allows me to turn on and off the scoreboard and only show 2 lines of the scoreboard?

I'd appreciate it if you could also tell me what add-ons I need.
The script version is 2.8.4
Using skBee:
To toggle completely
toggle scoreboard of player off
toggle scoreboard of player on

To only show 2 lines you will effectively need to clear every other line and only keep those, if you need to keep the values of the other lines I suggest storing them in variables or (preferably) metadata, otherwise you can just loop all the other lines and clear them and, going forward, use a condition to check whether or not the other lines should be altered
Using skBee:
To toggle completely

To only show 2 lines you will effectively need to clear every other line and only keep those, if you need to keep the values of the other lines I suggest storing them in variables or (preferably) metadata, otherwise you can just loop all the other lines and clear them and, going forward, use a condition to check whether or not the other lines should be altered
every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
if{스코어보드.%loop-player%} is true:
wipe loop-player's sidebar
set name of sidebar of loop-player to "123"
set score "이름 : %loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
set score "잔액 : %loop-player's money%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2

command /스코어보드 [<string>]:
if arg 1 is "켜기":
set {스코어보드.%player%} to true
message "스코어보드 활성"

if arg 1 is "끄기":
set {스코어보드.%player%} to false
message "스코어보드 비활성"
wipe player's sidebar

[Skript] Reloading
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line 12: (
[16:03:40 INFO]: In the future, players in variable names will use the player's UUID instead of their name. For information on how to make sure your scripts won't be impacted by this change, see
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line: set {스코어보드.%player%} to true
[16:03:40 INFO]:
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line 16: (
[16:03:40 INFO]: In the future, players in variable names will use the player's UUID instead of their name. For information on how to make sure your scripts won't be impacted by this change, see
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line: set {스코어보드.%player%} to false
[16:03:40 INFO]:
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line 3: (
[16:03:40 INFO]: Can't understand this section: if{스코어보드.%loop-player%} is true
[16:03:40 INFO]: Line: if{스코어보드.%loop-player%} is true:
[16:03:40 INFO]:
[16:03:40 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 1 error while reloading! (42ms)

There's an error like this..
Thank you! That phrase applies!
If you do this, it'll only refresh when you come in
You turn it off and off with a command
I don't know if I'm giving you a loop..
Can you write down the phrase??

It's too hard................
I use SkBee for scoreboards, you're not using skBee, so I can't help you since I'm only familiar with the scoreboards from there, sorry