Solved Save text in variable

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Apr 25, 2022
hello everyone. i am trying to save the text in the variable {*} and overall the skript does not give errors. the only thing is that in game instead of giving me the text, it writes <none>. How can i solve it? thanks in advance.. I specify that I have minecraft 1.8.9 for that some syntax does not understand them

command /votastaff <player> <number>:
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&bCiao! &fUsa questo comando per votare uno staffer. Esempio: &7/votastaffer (nome staffer) (numero stelle da 1 a 5)" to executor
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&bCiao! &fUsa questo comando per votare uno staffer. Esempio: &7/votastaffer (nome staffer) (numero stelle da 1 a 5)" to executor
if arg-1 has permission "staffer":
if executor doesn't have permission "votastaff.%arg-1%":
if arg-2 is greater than 0:
if arg-2 is less than or equal to 5:
send "&aHai votato %arg-1% con successo!" to executor
send "&aNumero stelle assegnato:" to executor
send "&7%arg-2%" to executor
add "%executor% ha votato con %arg-2% stelle su 5!" to {player.%arg-1%.recensione::*}
add arg-2 to {votastaff.%arg-1%}
add 1 to {numerovotazioni.%arg-1%}
make console execute command "/lp user %executor% permission set votastaff.%arg-1% true"
if arg-1 is online:
send "&aHai una nuova recensione!" to arg-1
send "&7Il player %executor% ti ha lasciato:" to arg-1
send "&a%arg-2% stelle su 5!" to arg-1
send "&cPuoi votare con un massimo di 5 stelle." to executor
send "&cPuoi votare con un minimo di 1 stella." to executor
send "&cHai già votato questo staff 1 volta." to executor
send "&cPuoi votare solo staffer. %arg-1% non è uno staffer." to executor

command /myrecensioni:
permission: staffer
send "&aCiao %executor%" to player
send "&aSto caricando le tue reciensioni, dammi un secondo..." to player
wait 3 seconds
send "&aEcco le tue recensioni!" to player
wait 2 seconds
send "&aVotazioni singole:" to player
send "&7%{player.%executor%.recensione::*}%"
send "&7&l--------------" to executor
send "&aSomma voti totali:" to executor
send "%{votastaff.%executor%}%" to executor
send "&7&l--------------" to executor
send "&aVoti totalizzati:" to executor
send "%{numerovotazioni.%executor%}%" to executor