[Request]Sword named Demon King's Dagger that will give strength 2 for 8min with righclicked with a cooldown of 1min Thanks

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on right click:
    name of player's tool is "&5Demon King's Dagger":
        if {Cool::%player%} isn't set:
            apply strength 2 to player for 2 minutes
            add 1 to {Cool::%player%}

every minute:
    loop all players:
        if {Cool::%loop-player%} isn't 0:
            remove 1 from {Cool::%loop-player%}
            clear {Cool::%loop-player%}

The code I wrote should probably work. It isn't tested though so there could be a few minor bugs I missed!
Actually it does not show errors but the apply strength part just does not work, i made sure the name was the same and everything and even made a command to give me the sword, Luke_Sky_walker Thanks for the help anyways

command /Demon:
    permission: Demon.permission
    permission message: you dont have permission
    description: Give the player Demon King's Dagger
        give player netherite sword named "&5Demon King's Dagger"
        send "&7You have acquired &5Demon King's Dagger"
        set {&5Demon King's Dagger.%player%} to 0

on right click:
    name of player's tool is "&5Demon King's Dagger":
        if {Cool::%player%} isn't set:
            apply strength 2 to player for 2 minutes
            add 1 to {Cool::%player%}

every minute:
    loop all players:
        if {Cool::%loop-player%} isn't 0:
            remove 1 from {Cool::%loop-player%}
            clear {Cool::%loop-player%}
it does work but i made some changes
and i am gonna add a cooldown because u can use always the right click it doesnt have any cooldown
Actually it does not show errors but the apply strength part just does not work, i made sure the name was the same and everything and even made a command to give me the sword, Luke_Sky_walker Thanks for the help anyways

command /Demon:
    permission: Demon.permission
    permission message: you dont have permission
    description: Give the player Demon King's Dagger
        give player netherite sword named "&5Demon King's Dagger"
        send "&7You have acquired &5Demon King's Dagger"
        set {&5Demon King's Dagger.%player%} to 0

on right click:
    name of player's tool is "&5Demon King's Dagger":
        if {Cool::%player%} isn't set:
            apply strength 2 to player for 2 minutes
            add 1 to {Cool::%player%}

every minute:
    loop all players:
        if {Cool::%loop-player%} isn't 0:
            remove 1 from {Cool::%loop-player%}
            clear {Cool::%loop-player%}
why are you using the name as the indetifier? u can just make a woodeen plank and name it that and it'll work the same as the demon kings dagger, use nbts
Maybe this gud maybe no idk yes
on load:
    set {-sussywussysword} to iron sword named "&5Demon King's Dagger"
function getUnix() :: number:
    return unix timestamp of now
on rightclick:
    player's tool's name = {-sussywussysword}'s name # 's name Is so you can enchant or smth
    set {_cooldown} to getUnix() - {-demoncooldowns::%player's uuid%}
    if {_cooldown} >= 60:
        send "&cThe ability is on cooldown for less than %{_cooldown}% seconds"
    set {-demoncooldowns::%player's uuid%} to getUnix()
    # Do ability stuff idk
    apply strength 2 to player for 2 minutes
# Remove this command or add permissions. This is to give you the demon dagger sword
command /getsussywussysword:
        give {-sussywussysword} to player
Actually it does not show errors but the apply strength part just does not work, i made sure the name was the same and everything and even made a command to give me the sword, Luke_Sky_walker Thanks for the help anyways

command /Demon:
    permission: Demon.permission
    permission message: you dont have permission
    description: Give the player Demon King's Dagger
        give player netherite sword named "&5Demon King's Dagger"
        send "&7You have acquired &5Demon King's Dagger"
        set {&5Demon King's Dagger.%player%} to 0

on right click:
    name of player's tool is "&5Demon King's Dagger":
        if {Cool::%player%} isn't set:
            apply strength 2 to player for 2 minutes
            add 1 to {Cool::%player%}

every minute:
    loop all players:
        if {Cool::%loop-player%} isn't 0:
            remove 1 from {Cool::%loop-player%}
            clear {Cool::%loop-player%}
ok i changed it should use nbts
command /Demon:
    permission: Demon.permission
    permission message: you dont have permission
    description: Give the player Demon King's Dagger
        set {_i} to netherite sword named "&5Demon King's Dagger"
        set {_icompound} to nbt compound of {_i}
        set tag "demonkingdagger" of {_icompound} to "true"
        give player {_i}
        send "&7You have acquired &5Demon King's Dagger"
        set {&5Demon King's Dagger.%player%} to 0

on right click:
    set player's tool to {_ptool}
    set {_ptoolcompound} to nbt compound of {_ptool}
    set {_ptooltag} to tag "demonkingdagger" of {_ptoolcompound}
    {_ptooltag} contains "true":
        set {_cooldown1} to difference between {demondaggercooldown::%player's uuid%} and now
        if {_cooldown1} is less then 1 minute:
            send "&cTry again in %difference between 1 minute and {_cooldown1}%"
            set {demondaggercooldown::%player's uuid%} to now
            apply strength 2 to player for 8 minutes[CODE]
Btw i didnt test this code, tell me if u need help with errors