Solved Repair System

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Feb 16, 2020
Category: Tool Repair

Suggested name: Repair

Spigot/Skript Version: PaperMC-1.18.2/the newest

What I want:
So that's really easy to explain.
Use any tool (sword, axe, pickaxe, hoe, shovel, etc) to /repair. Depending on the damage and the type of tool (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond, netherite), /repair costs more. So if the tool is not damaged too much, it costs less than if the tool is almost broken.

Thanks in advance ^^

Ideas for commands: /repair

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: as soon as someone has time to write this.
command /repair:
    permission message: "&cYou don't have enough permission."
    description: &fRepairs your item for a price
        if player's tool is any pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, armor, bow, crossbow, shield, trident, flint and steel, fishing rod, shears or sword:
            if player's tool's durability > 0:
                set {_d} to durability of player's tool
                if type of player's tool is diamond tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.5*{_d}
                if type of player's tool is netherite tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.8*{_d}
                if type of player's tool is gold tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.3*{_d}
                if type of player's tool is iron tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.25*{_d}
                if type of player's tool is stone tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.10*{_d}
                if type of player's tool is wooden tool:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.05*{_d}
                if player's tool is a bow, crossbow, shears, fishing rod, flint and steel, trident or shield:
                    set {_pMP} to 0.13*{_d}
                if player's balance > {_pMP}:
                    remove {_pMP} from player's balance
                    repair player's tool
                    send "&aYou successfuly repaired your tool and paid %{_pMP}%$ for the repair." to player
                    play sound "block.anvil.use" with volume 2 and pitch 1 to player
                    send "&cYou don't have enough money to pay for the repair. (%{_pMP}-player's balance%$ needed)" to player
                    play sound "block.chest.close" with volume 2 and pitch 0 to player
                send "&cYour tool is not damaged and can't be repaired." to player
                play sound "block.chest.close" with volume 2 and pitch 0 to player
            send "&cYou must be holding a tool to perform this command." to player
            play sound "block.chest.close" with volume 2 and pitch 0 to player

simple skript, you can change the {_pMP} multipliers to whatever number you'd like to be charged per durability point for each tool type