region bug with skript

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If you just tested it out, there was an indent error. ( My Bad : P )
why this error?

There's no world in an on region enter/leave event (, line 2121: region is spawn')
Okay, have I replaced well the values to change?

on region enter:
region is spawn
set {boolean} to true

on region exit:
region is spawn
set {boolean} to false

command /region:
if {boolean} is true:
send "&aHello!" to player
send "&cNope..." to player

because if this code is good, then the problem still exists
Okay, have I replaced well the values to change?

on region enter:
    region is spawn
    set {boolean} to true

on region exit:
    region is spawn
    set {boolean} to false

command /region:
        if {boolean} is true:
            send "&aHello!" to player
            send "&cNope..." to player
Did you test it?
there are no errors--it simply tells me "&cNope..." (i.e., the skript response if I am neither in the region spawn, nor spawnender)
It basically gives me "&cNope..." in whatever region I'm in