Solved redstone Particles

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Oct 2, 2017
I've been having a lot of problems with getting my item to display redstone particles, this script when changed a little to display portal particles for example works but everytime i try to show redstone particles i get this message "Can't understand this condition/effect play 3 redstone particles at {_whip-particle-location} with color 255, 0, 0"

every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if name of held item of loop-player is "<cyan><b>M<light blue><b>ystic <cyan><b>W<light blue><b>hip":
            set {_whip-particle-location} to the location 2 meters in front of loop-player
            play 3 redstone particles at {_whip-particle-location} with color 255, 0, 0

i have tried different codes too for example

every 2 seconds:
loop all players:
    if name of held item of loop-player is "<cyan><b>M<light blue><b>ystic <cyan><b>W<light blue><b>hip":
        play 100 (portal with speed 0) at loop-player

which works but if i replaced "portal" with redstone particles i get the message loop-player is not a world

any help would be appreciated
Thanks for the quick reply,

I have just tried that and thankfully it worked if i remove with color 255, 0, 0 from the script but I now have the problem where it doesn't have the same effect as the portal, the particles were swirling around my head when using the portal particles now they only show up beneath my feet every now and then

how would I change the colour of the particles and have it so the particles were shown infront of the player or around the player instead of at the feet of the player

p.s. i have just tested it with the second script i posted again and i still get the same error, it only shows on the first script

again thank you
I personally recommend skdragon for particle stuff. You can maybe do what you want in vanilla skript but i think using skdragon is much easier (it is for me atleast)
thanks, I will look into it, im just trying to troubleshoot my problem because this code was given to me by a owner of a server i mod for and we know the coding works, ive just modified it slightly

this was part of the script that he gave me that i modified

            set {_whip-particle-location} to the location 2 meters in front of attacker's head
            show 3 redstone particles at {_whip-particle-location} with color 255, 0, 0

and he says he used skript only, im trying to understand how this doesn't work on my test server
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ok thankyou for the help I was using play instead of show and didn't have skrayfall installed lol
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