Really Functional Machines

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Jul 24, 2018
For a long time I'm looking for how I can make machines using any block, Example: Click on a glass and open a menu in gui with 2 slots, one you place block of coal and the other side goes out dusting ... I want is learn this logic ....

I would like someone to do this so I can learn

command /extremefurnace:
        if player is op:
            give bedrock named "&aMega fornalha" to player
on place a bedrock:
    if player is op:
        set {%event-location%.fur} to true
        set event-block to red stained clay
on rightclick on red stained clay:
    if {%event-location%.fur} is true:
        cancel event
        open furnace to the player
on break a red stained clay:
    if {%event-location%.fur} is true:
        drop 1 bedrock named "&aMega fornalha"
        delete {%event-location%.fur}


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