Discord Thread Random Teleport

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
I would like to ask for help with this script so that the player is not teleported to the sky, how can I fix in this script? I would be grateful
command /rtp:
        set {_x} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
        set {_y} to 50
        set {_z} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
        set {_location} to location at ({_x}, {_y}, {_z}) in world "{@world}"
        set {_block} to block at {_location}
        loop all blocks above {_block}:
            if loop-block is air:
                if block under loop-block is {@blockblacklist}:
                    if {@debug} is true:
                        send "&7&oFailed random teleportation attempt (blacklisted block: %block under loop-block%&7&o). Retrying..." to player
                    exit loop
                if {@regioncheck} is true:
                    if region at loop-block is set:
                        if {@debug} is true:
                            send "&7&oFailed random teleportation attempt (region is set). Retrying..." to player
                        exit loop
                add 1 to {_i}
                if {_i} >= 2:
                    teleport player at loop-block

Posted by: bill1656 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
i mean i could remake it cause idk how i wouild edit that lol
command /rtp:
    set {_rtp} to true
    while {_rtp} is true:
      add 1 to {_attempts}
      set {_x} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
      set {_z} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
      set {_y} to 200
      set {_location} to location at ({_x}, {_y}, {_z}) in world "{@world}"
      while block at {_location} is air:
        remove 1 from {_y}
        set {_location} to location at ({_x}, {_y}, {_z}) in world "{@world}"
        wait 1 tick
      if block at {_location} is not {@blockblacklist}:
        teleport player to block above {_location}
        send action bar "&aRandomly teleported! (%{_attempts}% attempts)"
        set {_rtp} to false
      wait 1 tick
best i could think of <a:cat_shrug:1072726246804434954>

Posted by: finrex01 from the skUnity Discord.
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