Random Effect Applying for a Victim

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Sep 21, 2019
I'm doing a skript so when you use mage sword a random effect applies to a player you're attacking. This is my code.
on damage:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is player:
            if attacker's tool is a wooden sword of sharpness 1 named "&ki &c&l&nMage Sword&r &ki" with lore "&cThis magic sword will", "&cattack your opponents" and "&cusing effects.":
                set {_randomf.%attacker%} to a random integer between 1 and 7
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 1:
                    apply poison to victim for 10 seconds
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 2:
                    apply blindness to victim
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 3:
                    apply invisibility to victim for 2 seconds
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 4:
                    apply weakness to victim for 3 seconds
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 5:
                    apply slowness to victim
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 6:
                    apply slow falling to victim
                if {_randomf.%attacker%} is 7:
                    apply nausea to victim
For some reason, it doesn't work and it only applies poison. How to fix it?
on damage:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is player:
            if attacker's tool is a wooden sword of sharpness 1 named "&ki &c&l&nMage Sword&r &ki" with lore "&cThis magic sword will", "&cattack your opponents" and "&cusing effects.":
                add 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to {random.%attacker%::*}
                set {_random.%attacker%} to random integer of {random.%attacker%::*}
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 1:
                    apply poison to victim for 10 seconds
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 2:
                    apply blindness to victim
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 3:
                    apply invisibility to victim for 2 seconds
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 4:
                    apply weakness to victim for 3 seconds
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 4:
                    apply slowness to victim
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 5:
                    apply slow falling to victim
                if {_random.%attacker%} is 7:
                    apply nausea to victim
                clear {random.%attacker%::*}
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