Question about Skellett's Custom Events

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May 7, 2017
Hey, when it comes to custom events in Skellett is it as simple as: 1) Enable Custom Events and 2) List them in the "setup" portion?

I set up a simple event but it's still saying "can't understand this event"

What should I do? Here is my CustomEvents.yml:

(Skript v2.2-dev20, Skellett v1.9.6)
It is set to 4? There are 4 events listed?
ah, yeah, I was counting the one that's commented out.

You're better off using Skript-Mirror's custom events, you don't have to restart your server and you can use a custom priority.
ah, yeah, I was counting the one that's commented out.

You're better off using Skript-Mirror's custom events, you don't have to restart your server and you can use a custom priority.

Yeah I'm definitely up for not restarting my server every time lol. You wouldn't by chance know where I can find more documentation on skript-mirror? I've checked out this but it's not that helpful when it comes to what I'm trying to accomplish.
it's pretty easy tbh, in your case it would be:
on "de.myzelyam.api.vanish.PlayerHideEvent":
  #then you can yse the event expression to get/set the values of the event, example:
  set {_event-player} to event.getPlayer()
it's pretty easy tbh, in your case it would be:
on "de.myzelyam.api.vanish.PlayerHideEvent":
  #then you can yse the event expression to get/set the values of the event, example:
  set {_event-player} to event.getPlayer()

Lol oh okay awesome. Thanks a ton :emoji_slight_smile:
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