Discord Thread pvp command

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theres no error
its just the chat format
that pissing me off
'''on chat:
set chat format to "&7[&b%world of player%&7] &a%player% &7>
&r%uncolored message%"
if message contains "[item]":
cancel event
set {_m::*} to message split at "[item]"
set {_t::1} to text component from "&7[&b%world of player%&7] &a%player% &7>
set {t::2} to text component from {m::1}
set {_t::3} to text component from "&7["
if name of player's tool is set:
set {_t::4} to text component from name of player's tool
set {_t::4} to translate component from player's tool
set color format of {_t::4} to light blue
set hover event of {_t::4} to hover event showing player's tool
set {_t::5} to text component from "&7]&r"
set {t::6} to text component from {m::2}

# SkBee 2.8.3+
set {t} to merge components {t::*}
broadcast component {_t}'''

Posted by: nitayk from the skUnity Discord.
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