Solved Problem with duels :D

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Jul 19, 2022
command /duel [<offline player>]:
 cooldown: 1 second
  if arg 1 is not set:
   send "&cNot a valid player"
  else if arg 1 is set:
   if arg 1 = player:
    send "&cYou can't duel yourself!"
    send "&c%player% &awants to duel you &8| &7/request accept &c%player% &7to accept" to arg 1
    send "&7Successfully send a request to &c%arg-1%"
    set {request::%player%} to true
    set {asked::%arg-1%} to true
    wait 1 minute
    delete {asked::%arg-1%} and {request::%player%}
command /request [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  if arg 1 is not set:
   send "&cNot a valid type"
   send "&cOptions: Accept, Deny"
  if arg 1 is set:
   if arg 2 is not set:
    send "&cNot a valid player"
   if arg 1 is "accept":
    if arg 2 is set:
     if {request::%arg-2%} is set:
      if {asked::%player%} is set:
       teleport arg 2 to location(-241, 94, -281, world "world")
       teleport player to location(-241, 94, -241, world "world")
       set {duels::%player%} to true
       set {duelss::%arg-2%} to true
       set {duel::%player%::*} to all items in inventory of player
       set {duels::%arg-2%::*} to all items in inventory of player
       clear player's inventory
       clear arg-2's inventory
   else if arg 1 is "deny":
    delete {request::%arg-2%} and {asked::%player%}
on respawn:
  if {duels::%player%} is set:
    delete {duels::%player%}
    wait 5 ticks
    set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
    wait 2 ticks
    loop {duel::%player%::*}:
      add loop-value to {_inventory}
    open {_inventory} to player
    set {secstore::%player%} to true
on respawn:
    if {duelss::%player%} is set:
        delete {duelss::%player%}
        wait 5 ticks
        set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
        wait 2 ticks
        loop {duels::%player%::*}:
            add loop-value to {_inventory}
        open {_inventory} to player
        set {secstore::%player%} to true
i was making this for duels 1v1 and it reloades but when you respawn as the arg-2 in request you look in the other persons items which is weird i couldnt find anything on other places please help if you have any idea how to fix
I rewrite most part of your's code.

command /duel [<player>]:
 cooldown: 1 second
  if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is not set:
   if arg-1 is set:
    if arg-1 is not player:
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%} is not set:
      send "&c%player% &awants to duel you &8| &7/request accept &c%player% &7to accept" to arg 1
      send "&7Successfully send a request to &c%arg-1%"
      set {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%} to player
      set {p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%} to arg-1

      wait 1 minute
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%},{p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%}
      send "You cancel your's request to %arg-1%"
      send "%player% cancel request to duel with you" to arg-1
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%},{p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%}
     send "&cYou cant send request to yourself"
    send "&cNot a valid player"
   send "&cYou cant send requests when duel is running"

command /request [<text>] [<player>]:
  if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is not set:
   if arg 2 is not set:
    send "&cNot a valid player"
   else if arg 1 is set:
    if arg-1 is "accept":
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%} is set:
      send "&aYour's request accepted by %player%" to arg-2
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%}
      delete {p::%uuid of arg-2%::sendedRequests::%uuid of player%}

      add 1 to {duels::counter}

      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%} to location of player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::previousLocations::%uuid of arg-2%} to location of arg-2
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::players::%uuid of player%} to arg-2
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::players::%uuid of arg-2%} to player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*} to all items in inventory of player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::savedItems::%uuid of arg-2%::*} to all items in inventory of arg-2

      set {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} to {duels::counter}
      set {p::%uuid of arg-1%::currentDuel} to {duels::counter}
      teleport arg-2 to location(-241, 94, -281, world "world")
      teleport player to location(-241, 94, -241, world "world")
      clear player's inventory
      clear arg-2's inventory
      send "&cYou doesn't have requests from this player"
    else if arg-1 is "deny":
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%} is set:
      send "&c%player% denied your's request to duel" to arg-2
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%}
      delete {p::%uuid of arg-2%::sendedRequests::%uuid of player%}
      send "&cYou doesn't have requests from this player"
     send "&cNot a valid type"
     send "&cOptions: Accept, Deny"
   send "&cYou cant accept requests when duel is running"

on respawn:
 if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is set:
  set {_duelId} to {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel}
  wait 5 ticks
  teleport player to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%}
  set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
  loop {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*}:
   add loop-value to {_inventory}
  open {_inventory} to player
  delete {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of player%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*}

on death of player:
 if {p::%uuid of victim%::currentDuel} is set:

  set {_duelId} to {p::%uuid of victim%::currentDuel}
  set {_opponent} to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of victim%}

  send "&aCongrutilations, you win duel with %victim%" to {_opponent}
  send "&cYou lose duel with %{_opponent}%" to victim

  wait 10 seconds
  teleport {_opponent} to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
  loop {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of {_opponent}%::*}:
   add loop-value to {_inventory}
  open {_inventory} to {_opponent}
  delete {p::%uuid of {_opponent}%::currentDuel}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of {_opponent}%::*}
If you have questions about some parts - continue thread
Last edited:
I rewrite most part of your's code.

command /duel [<player>]:
 cooldown: 1 second
  if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is not set:
   if arg-1 is set:
    if arg-1 is not player:
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%} is not set:
      send "&c%player% &awants to duel you &8| &7/request accept &c%player% &7to accept" to arg 1
      send "&7Successfully send a request to &c%arg-1%"
      set {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%} to player
      set {p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%} to arg-1

      wait 1 minute
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%},{p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%}
      send "You cancel your's request to %arg-1%"
      send "%player% cancel request to duel with you" to arg-1
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of arg-1%::%uuid of player%},{p::%uuid of player%::sendedRequests::%uuid of arg-1%}
     send "&cYou cant send request to yourself"
    send "&cNot a valid player"
   send "&cYou cant send requests when duel is running"

command /request [<text>] [<player>]:
  if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is not set:
   if arg 2 is not set:
    send "&cNot a valid player"
   else if arg 1 is set:
    if arg-1 is "accept":
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%} is set:
      send "&aYour's request accepted by %player%" to arg-2
      teleport arg-2 to location(-241, 94, -281, world "world")
      teleport player to location(-241, 94, -241, world "world")

      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%}
      delete {p::%uuid of arg-2%::sendedRequests::%uuid of player%}

      add 1 to {duels::counter}

      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%} to location of player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::previousLocations::%uuid of arg-2%} to location of arg-2
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::players::%uuid of player%} to arg-2
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::players::%uuid of arg-2%} to player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*} to all items in inventory of player
      set {duels::active::%{duels::counter}%::savedItems::%uuid of arg-2%::*} to all items in inventory of arg-2

      set {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} to {duels::counter}
      set {p::%uuid of arg-1%::currentDuel} to {duels::counter}
      clear player's inventory
      clear arg-2's inventory
      send "&cYou doesn't have requests from this player"
    else if arg-1 is "deny":
     if {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%} is set:
      send "&c%player% denied your's request to duel" to arg-2
      delete {duels::requests::%uuid of player%::%uuid of arg-2%}
      delete {p::%uuid of arg-2%::sendedRequests::%uuid of player%}
      send "&cYou doesn't have requests from this player"
     send "&cNot a valid type"
     send "&cOptions: Accept, Deny"
   send "&cYou cant accept requests when duel is running"

on respawn:
 if {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel} is set:
  set {_duelId} to {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel}
  wait 5 ticks
  teleport player to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%}
  set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
  loop {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*}:
   add loop-value to {_inventory}
  open {_inventory} to player
  delete {p::%uuid of player%::currentDuel}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of player%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of player%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of player%::*}

on death of player:
 if {p::%uuid of victim%::currentDuel} is set:

  set {_duelId} to {p::%uuid of victim%::currentDuel}
  set {_opponent} to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of victim%}

  send "&aCongrutilations, you win duel with %victim%" to {_opponent}
  send "&cYou lose duel with %{_opponent}%" to victim

  wait 10 seconds
  teleport {_opponent} to {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aSaved Items"
  loop {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of {_opponent}%::*}:
   add loop-value to {_inventory}
  open {_inventory} to {_opponent}
  delete {p::%uuid of {_opponent}%::currentDuel}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::previousLocations::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::players::%uuid of {_opponent}%}
  delete {duels::active::%{_duelId}%::savedItems::%uuid of {_opponent}%::*}
If you have questions about some parts - continue thread
hmm. It doesnt quite work when you do /duel player i don't get my items back when i die. But i really appreciate your help :emoji_grinning:
hmm. It doesnt quite work when you do /duel player i don't get my items back when i die. But i really appreciate your help :emoji_grinning:
I doesn't test this, time to test this and fix.
hmm. It doesnt quite work when you do /duel player i don't get my items back when i die. But i really appreciate your help :emoji_grinning:
I test this and all work good, idk what your's problem
I doesn't test this, time to test this and fix.
I test this and all work good, idk what your's problem
for me when i get killed by the person. I don't get the items but if i do kill i do get the items. And the winner can't start a new battle cuz it says "You can't start another during the duel" is that supposed to be like that? :emoji_grinning: you are a so help full hand keep up the good work
for me when i get killed by the person. I don't get the items but if i do kill i do get the items. And the winner can't start a new battle cuz it says "You can't start another during the duel" is that supposed to be like that? :emoji_grinning: you are a so help full hand keep up the good work
because duel for winner ends after 10 seconds? Remove 'wait 10 seconds' for instantly end
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because duel for winner ends after 10 seconds? Remove 'wait 10 seconds' for instantly end
It worked thank you so much, you're a life saver
because duel for winner ends after 10 seconds? Remove 'wait 10 seconds' for instantly end
wait where do i add "
make {_opponent} execute command "/spawn"
It worked thank you so much, you're a life saver
wait where do i add "
make {_opponent} execute command "/spawn"
I also store previous locations of players before duel, you dont need teleport them to spawn. If you need this - replace lines 99 for winner and 77 for looser
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