Problem with checking items in inventory

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Oct 10, 2022
Hello, I need help
the script checks the player head without a name because the script my command "player head named "&b&lTeleporthome" is ignored.

but I'm facing the problem that if the player has a player head without a name in the inventory, nothing happens and it doesn't even send the message "&3&l[HOME] &cYou don't have a Teleporthome." can it be fixed somehow?

command /home:
    executable by: players
        if {homes%uuid of player%} is not set:
            message "&3&l[HOME] &bYou have no set home!"

        else if player has an player head:
            loop all items in player's inventory:
                name of loop-value is "&b&lTeleporthome"
                message "&3&l[HOME] &bYou will be teleported in 3 seconds"
                wait 60 ticks
                teleport player to {homes%uuid of player%}
                remove 1 of loop-value from player
                send "&3&l[HOME] &bYou were teleported home and the teleport was destroyed." to player
                play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" at player
            send "&3&l[HOME] &cYou don't have a Teleporthome." to player
Use ::%player’s uuid in variables
Remove the last else:
I'm not sure how to use it and is a UUID variable required or will a temporary ::%player% suffice

I removed the else:
and it already works as it should, even the player head without a name doesn't mind
How is it possible. I don't understand how it works?
I'm not sure how to use it and is a UUID variable required or will a temporary ::%player% suffice

I removed the else:
and it already works as it should, even the player head without a name doesn't mind
How is it possible. I don't understand how it works?
A ::%player% would change if the player changes their name, an uuid never changes