Prestige with an item

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May 6, 2024
Basically I want a skript that on right click of a book for example that it removes the book and gives the player +1 prestige, and I want it to also show up in chat before their rank and name, I use ChatControl for my chat manager
    max-prestige: 5

function retrievePrestige(p: player) :: number:
    metadata tag "prt" of {_p} is set:
        return metadata tag "prt" of {_p}
    byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p} is set:
        set metadata tag "prt" of {_p} to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p}
        delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p}
        set metadata tag "prt" of {_p} to 0
    return metadata tag "prt" of {_p}

command /giveprestigeitem <player=%player%>:
    permission: *
        give arg-1 book named "&b+1 PRESTIGE"
command /prestige <player=%player%>:
        set {_n} to name of arg-1
        arg-1 is player:
            set {_n} to "Your"
        set {_p} to metadata tag "prt" of arg-1
        if metadata tag "prt" of arg-1 is not set:
            set {_p} to 0
        send "&f&l%{_n}% &r&bprestige is &7%{_p}%"

on leave:
    set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player to metadata tag "prt" of player

on unload:
    loop all players:
        set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player to metadata tag "prt" of loop-player

on join:
    if byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player is not set:
        set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player to 0
    set metadata tag "prt" of player to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player
    delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player

on load:
    loop all players:
        if byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player is not set:
            set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player to 0
        set metadata tag "prt" of loop-player to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player
        delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player

on right click:
    name of 1 of player's tool contains "&b+1 PRESTIGE":
        set {_d} to metadata tag "prt" of player
        {@max-prestige} > {_d}:
            set metadata tag "prt" of player to 1+{_d}
            remove 1 of player's tool from player
            broadcast "&f&l%player's name% &r&breedemed +1 Prestige!"
            send "&bYou have hit the max Prestige!" to player
Last edited:
    max-prestige: 5

function retrievePrestige(p: player) :: number:
    metadata tag "prt" of {_p} is set:
        return metadata tag "prt" of {_p}
    byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p} is set:
        set metadata tag "prt" of {_p} to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p}
        delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of {_p}
        set metadata tag "prt" of {_p} to 0
    return metadata tag "prt" of {_p}

command /giveprestigeitem <player=%player%>:
    permission: *
        give arg-1 book named "&b+1 PRESTIGE"
command /prestige <player=%player%>:
        set {_n} to name of arg-1
        arg-1 is player:
            set {_n} to "Your"
        set {_p} to metadata tag "prt" of arg-1
        if metadata tag "prt" of arg-1 is not set:
            set {_p} to 0
        send "&f&l%{_n}% &r&bprestige is &7%{_p}%"

on leave:
    set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player to metadata tag "prt" of player

on unload:
    loop all players:
        set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player to metadata tag "prt" of loop-player

on join:
    if byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player is not set:
        set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player to 0
    set metadata tag "prt" of player to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player
    delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of player

on load:
    loop all players:
        if byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player is not set:
            set byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player to 0
        set metadata tag "prt" of loop-player to byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player
        delete byte tag "PRT" of nbt compound of loop-player

on right click:
    name of 1 of player's tool contains "&b+1 PRESTIGE":
        set {_d} to metadata tag "prt" of player
        {@max-prestige} > {_d}:
            set metadata tag "prt" of player to 1+{_d}
            remove 1 of player's tool from player
            broadcast "&f&l%player's name% &r&breedemed +1 Prestige!"
            send "&bYou have hit the max Prestige!" to player
is there any skript addons I need for this?
Question: how would I put this to show in chat? Just so people can flex their prestiges so it doesn't feel like a lost function with no use (even tho there is a way to check the prestiges)
Question: how would I put this to show in chat? Just so people can flex their prestiges so it doesn't feel like a lost function with no use (even tho there is a way to check the prestiges)
add &f&l[&b&l%metadata tag "prt" of player%&r&f&l] to the start of the chatFormat options
Another thing you can use is do your chat format settings with this:
set chat format to "%player's prefix%%player's displayname%&f: %message%"
(if you're using prefixes and stuff). That way, you can just do this:
set player's displayname to "%player's displayname% &7{&6%metadata tag "prt" of player%&7}"

You can also use Skript-placeholders if you use plugins like TAB or EssentialsChat for your tab and chat settings