Possible to hook plugin NametagEdit and Skellett?

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Apr 6, 2021
Hello dear community,
I'm doing a post here because I would know if it is possible to set nametags with script? I read in a post (https://forums.skunity.com/threads/packet-nametags.6168/) that it should be possible with the script addon Skellett and the Nametag and Tabname plugin Nametagedit. Unfortunately, the post helped me only partially, so I wanted to ask if anyone knows, if it should really work, whether there is a syntax somewhere to be able to use it.
I can say that I have already tried a few things to couple skeleton and nametagedit, but I think my skeleton version is too old.
I also just read that SkExtras also supports NameTagEdit, but there is no further information about it.
I have no problem with the NametagEdit plugin and it is also easy to use, only my problem is that I prefer to work with several nametags in different worlds and not just one, as is unfortunately only possible with NametagEdit.

I just want to know if it is possible with Nametagedit, how do I do it and whether a syntax help exists and, if it does not work, whether there is another possibility?

Information: Minecraft Server version 1.8.8 - Spigot; Script version 2.2-dev36 (a bit old because script 2.5.3 has a teleport bug); Skellett version 1.9.7 (also a bit old because from version 1.9.8 i get a lot of errors, even if it has nothing to do with the effects of Skellett)

P.S.: Skellett Nametags are working for me, but i cant use a scoreboard and a nametag at the same time so i want a another way.

(Google Translator :c)
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