Skript version: Skript 2.2dev36
Minecraft version: 1.8-1.8.9 (Around this version category)
Full code:
Errors on reload:
Eratz 1.0
SkQuery 3.6.0 Lime
skRayFall v1.9.18
TuSKe v1.8.2
Minecraft version: 1.8-1.8.9 (Around this version category)
Full code:
on player world change:
if player has permission "nl.utilities.staff":
send "&b[S] &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%"
if world of player is "kitpvp-1":
teleport player to {spawn.%world%}
console command "clear %player%"
set slot 0 of player to chest named "&b&lKit Selector &7(Right Click)"
set slot 2 of player to emerald named "&2&lKits Shop &7(Right Click)"
on join:
set join message to ""
teleport player to {hub}
wait 0.2 seconds
loop 500 times:
send " "
play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1
send title "&a&lWelcome!" with subtitle "&eTo the &b&lNitroLands &aNetwork&e!" to player for 3 seconds
send "&3&m-------------------------------------------"
send " &3Welcome to &bNitroLands"
send " "
send "&b&lWebsite: &3"
send "&b&lStore: &3"
send "&b&lDiscord: &3"
send "&b&lTwitter: &3"
send "&3&m-------------------------------------------"
Errors on reload:
[21:43:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 4 spaces, but found 1 tab (Join, line 40: send title "&a&lWelcome!" with subtitle "&eTo the &b&lNitroLands &aNetwork&e!" to player for 3 seconds')
[21:43:38] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this expression: past changed world (Join, line 26: send "&b[S] &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%"')
[21:43:38] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1 (Join, line 39: play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1')
Eratz 1.0
SkQuery 3.6.0 Lime
skRayFall v1.9.18
TuSKe v1.8.2