Solved Play raw sound & send title with subtitle not working & staff logs not working

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Active Member
Aug 7, 2020
Skript version: Skript 2.2dev36
Minecraft version: 1.8-1.8.9 (Around this version category)
Full code:

on player world change:
    if player has permission "nl.utilities.staff":
        send "&b[S] &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%"
    if world of player is "kitpvp-1":
        teleport player to {spawn.%world%}
        console command "clear %player%"
        set slot 0 of player to chest named "&b&lKit Selector &7(Right Click)"
        set slot 2 of player to emerald named "&2&lKits Shop &7(Right Click)"

on join:
    set join message to ""
    teleport player to {hub}
    wait 0.2 seconds
    loop 500 times:
        send " "
    play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1
    send title "&a&lWelcome!" with subtitle "&eTo the &b&lNitroLands &aNetwork&e!" to player for 3 seconds   
    send "&3&m-------------------------------------------"
    send "                &3Welcome to &bNitroLands"
    send " "
    send "&b&lWebsite: &3"
    send "&b&lStore: &3"
    send "&b&lDiscord: &3"
    send "&b&lTwitter: &3"
    send "&3&m-------------------------------------------"

Errors on reload:

[21:43:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 4 spaces, but found 1 tab (Join, line 40: send title "&a&lWelcome!" with subtitle "&eTo the &b&lNitroLands &aNetwork&e!" to player for 3 seconds')
[21:43:38] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this expression: past changed world (Join, line 26: send "&b[S] &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%"')
[21:43:38] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1 (Join, line 39: play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1')

Eratz 1.0
SkQuery 3.6.0 Lime
skRayFall v1.9.18
TuSKe v1.8.2
line 40 has a tab but the whole code is in spaces so it gives errors fix that tab or those spaces
line 26 send "&b &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%" is not a thing
line 39 play raw sound "note.pling" is not a thing
do more research for those never used playsound and worlds so that's all i could help hope u find this helpful in some way
on "play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 0.5 and volume 1" You need to remove the "and"... Like this
so ur making an invadedlands remake? I do the same
I just realized I leaked my code for anyone like you to steal :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for fixing one of the problems though <3
line 40 has a tab but the whole code is in spaces so it gives errors fix that tab or those spaces
line 26 send "&b &f%{coloredname.%uuid of player%}% &bjoined &f%world% &bfrom &f%past changed world%" is not a thing
line 39 play raw sound "note.pling" is not a thing
do more research for those never used playsound and worlds so that's all i could help hope u find this helpful in some way
1.) Play raw sound is a thing. note.pling is the Skript 1.8 sound I used.
2.) Line 26 is 100% right. It just doesn't understand %past changed world%.
3.) The whole code is in tabs, I only use spaces for python.
I just realized I leaked my code for anyone like you to steal :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for fixing one of the problems though <3
1.) Play raw sound is a thing. note.pling is the Skript 1.8 sound I used.
2.) Line 26 is 100% right. It just doesn't understand %past changed world%.
3.) The whole code is in tabs, I only use spaces for python.
I dont need to steal, I know skript really much
Alright, all of this is fixed!
I wanna thank @GamerProPlaysYT for helping with the sound, I've been trying to master that for months. (I've asked for help on the official discord, but the forums are more useful)
And thank some random guy for telling me to use skellet for %past changed world%
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