Greetings. My server allows for Java and Bedrock players to join, and this skript is aimed at giving them a permission group (through Luck Perms) that will help tailor their experience depending on what platform they are using. Note this will be for a lobby server that will affect the whole network.
When a player joins, their previous choice will be cleared. A vanilla GUI will pop up prompting them to select their platform. If they try to close out of the menu without making a selection, it will open again. If they choose to make a selection, a Luck perms command will go through giving them the permissions globally. They can then run around and click on an NPC to join a game and do whatever.
Permission Nodes (Luck Perms Groups):
group.minecraftjava - Java Players
group.minecraftbedrockmobile - BE Players on their phone / tablet
group.minecraftbedrockconsole - BE players on Win 10 or console
The Problem:
The vanilla GUI is fine for now. The problem is getting those permissions cleared when a player joins and forcing players to select an option before they can play.
What I have so far:
Thank you for reading my post
When a player joins, their previous choice will be cleared. A vanilla GUI will pop up prompting them to select their platform. If they try to close out of the menu without making a selection, it will open again. If they choose to make a selection, a Luck perms command will go through giving them the permissions globally. They can then run around and click on an NPC to join a game and do whatever.
Permission Nodes (Luck Perms Groups):
group.minecraftjava - Java Players
group.minecraftbedrockmobile - BE Players on their phone / tablet
group.minecraftbedrockconsole - BE players on Win 10 or console
The Problem:
The vanilla GUI is fine for now. The problem is getting those permissions cleared when a player joins and forcing players to select an option before they can play.
What I have so far:
# Platform Selection Moduel
on any movement:
loop all players:
if loop-player doesn't have permission "group.minecraftjava or group.minecraftbedrockmobile or group.minecraftbedrockconsole":
make player execute command "/platform"
send "Forcing you to select your platform!"
on join:
loop all players:
if {skverify::%loop-player%} is true:
set {_skveryify} to false
wait 1 tick
if {skverify::%loop-player%} is not set:
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftjava"
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftbedrockmobile"
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftbedrockconsole"
set {_skveryify} to true
if {skverify::%loop-player%} is false:
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftjava"
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftbedrockmobile"
make console execute command "lp user %loop-player% parent remove minecraftbedrockconsole"
set {_skveryify} to true
command /platform:
description: The best way of doing something.
set metadata tag "platform" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&bSelect Your Platform"
set slot 4 of metadata tag "platform" of player to player's skull named "&6%player%" with lore "&7Please select your platform below."
set slot 21 of metadata tag "platform" of player to flower pot named "&6Java Edition"
set slot 22 of metadata tag "platform" of player to bedrock named "&6Windows 10/Console Edition"
set slot 23 of metadata tag "platform" of player to bedrock named "&6Phone/Tablet Edition"
open (metadata tag "platform" of player) to player
on inventory click:
if event-inventory = (metadata tag "platform" of player):
cancel event
#cancel the clicking. This makes the Item unstealable
if index of event-slot is 21:
send "&7You have selected &bJava &7as your platform. Switch at any time with &b/platform&7."
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent add minecraftjava"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftbedrockmobile"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftbedrockconsole"
close player's inventory
if index of event-slot is 22:
send "&7You have selected &bBedrock for Mobile Devices &7as your platform. Switch at any time with &b/platform&7."
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftjava"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent add minecraftbedrockmobile"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftbedrockconsole"
close player's inventory
if index of event-slot is 23:
send "&7You have selected &bBedrock for Windows 10 and Consoles &7as your platform. Switch at any time with &b/platform&7."
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftjava"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent remove minecraftbedrockmobile"
make console execute command "lp user %player% parent add minecraftbedrockconsole"
close player's inventory
else if index of event-slot is 1:
if event-click type is right mouse button:
#check if the player right clicks the item
set {_playerHead} to uncolored name of event-slot parsed as player
give event-slot to player
send "&6Player %player% has received a skull of you!" to {_playerHead}
Thank you for reading my post