Solved Permisiion

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Apr 25, 2017
where do i need to add my permissions for those 2 kits each one is for a different rank

command /kit [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "builder":
            set {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.buildercheck.%uuid of player%} and now
            if {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%} is less than {@time}:
                message "&cYou have used this kit already. Try again in &4%difference between {@time} and {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%}%&c."
                set {kit.buildercheck.%uuid of player%} to now
                message "&aBuilder &7kit selected!"
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 oak wood to player
                give 64 oak wood to player
                give 1 iron shovel to player
                give 1 iron axe to player
                give 1 iron pickaxe to player
                give 16 obsidian to player
        if arg 1 is "ocstarteroc":
            set {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.ocstarteroccheck.%uuid of player%} and now
            if {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%} is less than {@timestarter}:
                message "&cYou have used this kit already. Try again in &4%difference between {@timestarter} and {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%}%&c."
                set {kit.ocstarteroccheck.%uuid of player%} to now
                message "&a&lstarter &7kit selected!"
                give 1 diamond sword named "&a&lStarters Sword" to player
                give 1 bow named "&a&lStarters Bow" to player
                give 64 arrow to player
                give 16 steak to player
                give 5 golden apple to player
                give 8 ender pearl to player
                give 16 xp bottle to player
                give 16 obsidian to player
                give 16 tnt to player
                equip player with iron Helmet named "&a&lStarters Helmet"
                equip player with iron ChestPlate named "&a&lStarters ChestPlate"
                equip player with iron Leggings named "&a&lStarters Leggings"
                equip player with iron Boots named "&a&lStarters Boots"
One possible way is this one

i added the permission but it seems not working it gave me this error

the code to see whats wrong can you please help me out

        if arg 1 is "Obsidian+5":
            if player has permission "obsidian+5.use":
                set {_waited.kit.obsidian+5.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.obsidian+5check.%uuid of player%} and now
                if {_waited.kit.obsidian+5.%uuid of player%} is less than {@timeobsidian+5}:
                    message "&cYou have used this kit already. Try again in &4%difference between {@timeobsidian+5} and {_waited.kit.obsidian+5.%uuid of player%}%&c."
                    set {kit.obsidian+5check.%uuid of player%} to now
                    message "&5&lObsidian+5 &7kit selected!"
                    give 32 redstone to player
                    give 32 nether warts to player
                    give 8 brewing stands to player
                    give 16 magma creams to player
                    give 16 blaze powder to player
                    give 16 glistering melons to player
                    give 16 fermented spider eyes to player
                    give 16 spider eyes to player
                    give 1 cauldron to player
                message: "&cYou dont have the permission for this kit"
Not sure if it is the cause as I cannot check it rn, but u used a : after the message, remove it and try it again, please :emoji_slight_smile:.