where do i need to add my permissions for those 2 kits each one is for a different rank
command /kit [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "builder":
set {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.buildercheck.%uuid of player%} and now
if {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%} is less than {@time}:
message "&cYou have used this kit already. Try again in &4%difference between {@time} and {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%}%&c."
set {kit.buildercheck.%uuid of player%} to now
message "&aBuilder &7kit selected!"
give 64 cobblestone to player
give 64 cobblestone to player
give 64 oak wood to player
give 64 oak wood to player
give 1 iron shovel to player
give 1 iron axe to player
give 1 iron pickaxe to player
give 16 obsidian to player
if arg 1 is "ocstarteroc":
set {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.ocstarteroccheck.%uuid of player%} and now
if {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%} is less than {@timestarter}:
message "&cYou have used this kit already. Try again in &4%difference between {@timestarter} and {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%}%&c."
set {kit.ocstarteroccheck.%uuid of player%} to now
message "&a&lstarter &7kit selected!"
give 1 diamond sword named "&a&lStarters Sword" to player
give 1 bow named "&a&lStarters Bow" to player
give 64 arrow to player
give 16 steak to player
give 5 golden apple to player
give 8 ender pearl to player
give 16 xp bottle to player
give 16 obsidian to player
give 16 tnt to player
equip player with iron Helmet named "&a&lStarters Helmet"
equip player with iron ChestPlate named "&a&lStarters ChestPlate"
equip player with iron Leggings named "&a&lStarters Leggings"
equip player with iron Boots named "&a&lStarters Boots"