I was wondering, I Know skript, but I don't know how to do this particle trail, I was thinking it would be kinda like this: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/trailgui.1091/
but you dont have to do all the trails, and an example to show how I can do the rest of the trails.
command /flame:
if {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} is false:
set {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} to true
message "Flame : &aactive"
set {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} to false
message "Flame : &4desactive"
on any move:
if {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} is true:
set {flame.%UUID of player%} to location of player
show 3 "flame" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
but you dont have to do all the trails, and an example to show how I can do the rest of the trails.
command /flame:
if {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} is false:
set {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} to true
message "Flame : &aactive"
set {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} to false
message "Flame : &4desactive"
on any move:
if {particule.%UUID of player%.flame} is true:
set {flame.%UUID of player%} to location of player
show 3 "flame" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4