Category: Particles on Held Items
Suggested name: anything
What I want:
sorry this is the second request within a few days lol, ive also been trying to create particle effects on weapons that you hold or armour you equip but my attempts so far have failed, ive tried writing a script for it already and attempted a number of times to fix it but i keep on getting the error there's no world in a periodic event which i haven't got the foggiest on what that means, i would appreciate if someone could look at the code and tell me where im going wrong and how to correct it
every second:
loop all players:
if name of tool of loop-player is "&3&lM&bystic &3&lW&bhip":
drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 1.5, density 50, height 6, effectMod .05, start 0, visibleRange 30
thank you for your time i really appreciate it
Ideas for commands: -
Ideas for permissions: -
When I'd like it by: anytime,
Suggested name: anything
What I want:
sorry this is the second request within a few days lol, ive also been trying to create particle effects on weapons that you hold or armour you equip but my attempts so far have failed, ive tried writing a script for it already and attempted a number of times to fix it but i keep on getting the error there's no world in a periodic event which i haven't got the foggiest on what that means, i would appreciate if someone could look at the code and tell me where im going wrong and how to correct it
every second:
loop all players:
if name of tool of loop-player is "&3&lM&bystic &3&lW&bhip":
drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center player, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 1.5, density 50, height 6, effectMod .05, start 0, visibleRange 30
thank you for your time i really appreciate it
Ideas for commands: -
Ideas for permissions: -
When I'd like it by: anytime,