Discord Thread Parsing as integer makes conditions not work

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
on load:
  set {pistol} to 1 of wooden hoe named "&ePistol"
  set {_lore::*} to " ||&r&fPistol's Stats:||&r&fDamage: 6||&r&fFire Rate: 0.5||&r&fAmmunition: 300/300||&r&fClip: 10||&r&fReload Time: 1.5|| " split at "||"
  loop size of {_lore::*} times:
    set line loop-number of {pistol}'s lore to {_lore::%loop-number%}

  set {pistol::max_targets} to 1
  set {pistol::fire_rate} to 0.5
  set {pistol::damage} to 6
  set {pistol::clip} to 10
  set {pistol::ammunition} to 300
  set {pistol::reload_time} to 1.5

on left-click with wooden hoe:
  line 2 of player's tool's lore contains "&fPistol's Stats"
  cancel event
  broadcast "[LC] Lore contains" #!
  if {pistol::clip::%player's uuid%} != 10:
    broadcast "[LC] reloading" #!
    gun_reload(player, "pistol")

Posted by: x8ight from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
function gun_reload(player: player, gun: text):
  set {_ammunition_absolute::*} to line 5 of {_player}'s tool's lore split at " "
  set {_ammunition::*} to {_ammunition_absolute::2} split at "/"
  broadcast "[RF] split (%{_ammunition::1}%/%{_ammunition::2}%)" #!
  if ("{_ammunition::1}" parsed as integer) <= 0:
    send "Out of ammunition!" to {_player}
    broadcast "[RF] out of ammo" #!
  else if ("{_ammunition::1}" parsed as integer) >= {%{_gun}%::clip}:
    set {%{_gun}%::clip::%{_player}'s uuid%} to {%{_gun}%::clip}
    set line 5 of {_player}'s tool's lore to "&r&fAmmunition: %("{_ammunition::1} - {%{_gun}%::clip}" parsed as integer)%/%{%{_gun}%::ammunition}%"
    broadcast "[RF] refil 10" #!
    set {%{_gun}%::clip::%{_player}'s uuid%} to ("{_ammunition::1}" parsed as integer)
    set line 5 of {_player}'s tool's lore to "&r&fAmmunition: 0/%{%{_gun}%::ammunition}%"
    broadcast "[RF] refil remaining" #!
  set {%{_gun}%::delay::%{_player}'s uuid%} to {%{_gun}%::reload_time}
  broadcast "[RF] set delay" #!
  wait "{%{_gun}%::reload_time} seconds" parsed as timespan
  broadcast "[RF] waited" #!
  delete {%{_gun}%::delay::%{_player}'s uuid%}
  broadcast "[RF] deleted" #!
  send "Reloaded!" to {_player}
anything marked with
is there for debugging
When I reload a new gun, it splits the lore correctly, and broadcasts "300/300", but then skips the conditions and goes straight to the final else, and sets the remaining ammo to 0/300

Then, if I reload again it successfuly splits again, broadcasting "0/300", but the condition checking if the ammo is 0 doesnt work and it goes to the last else again.
A seperate issue is that it only sets the delay, and doesnt do anything under the 6th last line; doesn't wait and broadcast that it waited or delete the delay.

Posted by: x8ight from the skUnity Discord.
set {_lore::*} to " ||&r&fPistol's Stats:||&r&fDamage: 6||&r&fFire Rate: 0.5||&r&fAmmunition: 300/300||&r&fClip: 10||&r&fReload Time: 1.5|| " split at "||"
  loop size of {_lore::*} times:
    set line loop-number of {pistol}'s lore to {_lore::%loop-number%}

Im really curious to know WHY you did it this way?
you could literally have done
set {_lore::*} to "a", "b" and "c"
set {item} to wooden hoe named "name" with lore {_lore::*}
that said, i highly HIGHLY do not recommend using LORE for storing data.
You should be using something like NBT for storing data (numbers), so then no parsing is required

Posted by: shanebee from the skUnity Discord.
look very closely at this bit in your code:

"{_ammunition::1}" parsed as integer

Posted by: bluelhf from the skUnity Discord.
while i do understand your position, i also highly recommend not doing what you're doing.
You're putting a lot of stress on the server for no reason.
Parsing is a lot of work for the server to do, and if you have many players with many guys, its going to cause unnecessary strain.
i do hope in the future you take this advice

Posted by: shanebee from the skUnity Discord.
eh i bet it'll be fine
i'm more concerned about how much work it takes to Write the parsing code
shane has spent all this effort making a cool nbt system it'd be a shame not to use it :emoji_frowning:

Posted by: bluelhf from the skUnity Discord.
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