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Apr 6, 2018
Hello skunity this is my 1st post here i think so. So I try to made my own /home with pages but no effect.. So I saw this category hope somebody can help me thanks so much !

Category: Home

Suggested name: Home with pages.

What I want: I want my /home command to be with pages each page with 5 homes of max 20 homes so that mean 4 pages.
When I'd like it by: Any time, but soon as possible will be great !
command /home [<text>]:
    cooldown: {@cooldowncmds}
    cooldown message: {@cooldownmsg}
    permission: {@b.pack}
    permission message: %{noperm}%
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {home.%player%::%arg 1%} is not set:
                send "&5» &c%arg-1% &7does not exit on your home list &c✘"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {home.%player%::%arg 1%} is set:
                if player have permission "{@teleportcooldownbypass}":
                    send player title "&aSuccessful teleported" with subtitle "&eTeleported to &b%arg-1% &a✔" for 5 seconds
                    teleport player to {home.%player%::%arg 1%}
                    #show 100 "villager happy" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.8, 0.4
                    set {_teleport} to location of block under player
                    send "&7» &ePlease don't move for &c2 &eseconds"
                    #show 500 "flame" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.8, 0.4
                    wait {@teleport}
                    set {_teleport1} to location of block under player
                    if {_teleport} is not {_teleport1}:
                        #show 100 "villager angry" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.8, 0.4
                        send player title "&9Teleport canceled" with subtitle "&ePlease don't move &c✘" for 5 seconds
                    if {_teleport} is {_teleport}:
                        send player title "&aSuccessful teleported" with subtitle "&eTeleported to home &b%arg-1% &a✔" for 5 seconds
                        teleport player to {home.%player%::%arg 1%}
                        #show 100 "villager happy" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.8, 0.4
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {%player%.sethomes} > 0:
                message "&7&m-----&8&m===&f&l[ &eHome List &f&l]&8&m===&7&m-----"
                loop {homename.%player%::*}:
                    json("%player%", "&a%loop-value%||ttp:&eClick to teleport to &c%loop-value%||cmd:/home %loop-value%")
                message "&7&m-----&8&m===&f&l[ &eHome List &f&l]&8&m===&7&m-----"
                send "&5» &7You do not have home yet &c✘"