Solved on death of player in {stw::*}

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Mar 14, 2020
if arg-1 is "join":
            if arg-2 is "1":
            if {stw.players.1} is not set:
                set {stw.players.1} to 1
                set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                set {} to true
                set {stw::*} to player
                teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue!&6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player

how I can make a code that on death of 1 player in {stw::*} set the die player for spectator mode

"{stw::*} is group of 4 players"

SKRIPT: 2.5-alpha2
Last edited:
command /stw <text> <text>:
        if arg-1 is "setspawn":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                set {stw.spawn.1} to location of the player
                send "{@prefix} &7Spawn now set at &6%{stw.spawn.1}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "removespawn":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7Spawn is now removed &6%arg 2%" to player       
        if arg-1 is "setlobby":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                set {stw.lobby.1} to location of the player
                send "{@prefix} &7Lobby now set at &6%{stw.lobby.1}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "removelobby":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.lobby.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7Lobby is now removed &6%arg 2%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "%{stw::*}% to player"
        if arg-1 is "start":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                if {} is true:
                    loop all players:
                        if {stw::*} is set:
                            teleport player to {stw.spawn.1}
                            apply blindness of tier 3 without any particles to the loop-player for 15 seconds
                            give wooden hoe named "&7&lWooden Rifle" to loop-player
                            give iron sword named "&8&lPocket Knife" to loop-player
                            give blaze powder named "&6&lMagic blaze powder" to loop-player
                            set {} to true
                            set {} to true
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&8&oYou're wondering why you're here." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oThe world has been destroyed by strange creatures." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oPeople call it zombies." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oIt's a serious epidemic that has spread from animals to humans" to {stw::*}
                            send "&8&oand we've been observing it for a while." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 45 ticks
                            send "&8&oBut we couldn't control it, and it started to spread. " to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oNow it's your turn to stop him and save the world." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            set {} to false
      if arg-1 is "join":
            if arg-2 is "1":
            if {stw.players.1} is not set:
                set {stw.players.1} to 1
                set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                set {} to true
                set {stw::*} to player
                teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue!&6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                if {stw.queue.1.%player%} is 1:
                    send "{@prefix} &7you are already in the game!" to player
                    if {stw.players.1} is 4:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Too Lateee! The game has already started." to player
                        if {stw.players.1} is less than 4:
                            set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                            add 1 to {stw.players.1}
                            teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                            send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue! &6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                            if {stw.players.1} is less than 5:
                                set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                                add 1 to {stw.players.1}
                                teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                                send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue! &6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                                set {} to true
                                teleport {stw::*} to {stw.spawn.1}
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                clear {stw.lobby.1}
                clear {stw.players.1}
                clear {stw.queue.1.%player%}
                clear {stw::*}
                send "&6Cleared" to player

on chat:
  if {} is true:
    cancel event
command /stw <text> <text>:
        if arg-1 is "setspawn":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                set {stw.spawn.1} to location of the player
                send "{@prefix} &7Spawn now set at &6%{stw.spawn.1}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "removespawn":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7Spawn is now removed &6%arg 2%" to player      
        if arg-1 is "setlobby":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                set {stw.lobby.1} to location of the player
                send "{@prefix} &7Lobby now set at &6%{stw.lobby.1}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "removelobby":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.lobby.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7Lobby is now removed &6%arg 2%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "%{stw::*}% to player"
        if arg-1 is "start":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                if {} is true:
                    loop all players:
                        if {stw::*} is set:
                            teleport player to {stw.spawn.1}
                            apply blindness of tier 3 without any particles to the loop-player for 15 seconds
                            give wooden hoe named "&7&lWooden Rifle" to loop-player
                            give iron sword named "&8&lPocket Knife" to loop-player
                            give blaze powder named "&6&lMagic blaze powder" to loop-player
                            set {} to true
                            set {} to true
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            send "&8&oYou're wondering why you're here." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oThe world has been destroyed by strange creatures." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oPeople call it zombies." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oIt's a serious epidemic that has spread from animals to humans" to {stw::*}
                            send "&8&oand we've been observing it for a while." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 45 ticks
                            send "&8&oBut we couldn't control it, and it started to spread. " to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            wait 40 ticks
                            send "&8&oNow it's your turn to stop him and save the world." to {stw::*}
                            send "&7" to {stw::*}
                            set {} to false
      if arg-1 is "join":
            if arg-2 is "1":
            if {stw.players.1} is not set:
                set {stw.players.1} to 1
                set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                set {} to true
                set {stw::*} to player
                teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue!&6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                if {stw.queue.1.%player%} is 1:
                    send "{@prefix} &7you are already in the game!" to player
                    if {stw.players.1} is 4:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Too Lateee! The game has already started." to player
                        if {stw.players.1} is less than 4:
                            set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                            add 1 to {stw.players.1}
                            teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                            send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue! &6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                            if {stw.players.1} is less than 5:
                                set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
                                add 1 to {stw.players.1}
                                teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
                                send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue! &6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player
                                set {} to true
                                teleport {stw::*} to {stw.spawn.1}
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            if arg-2 is "1":
                clear {stw.spawn.1}
                clear {stw.lobby.1}
                clear {stw.players.1}
                clear {stw.queue.1.%player%}
                clear {stw::*}
                send "&6Cleared" to player

on chat:
  if {} is true:
    cancel event
if arg-1 is "join":
    if arg-2 is "1":
        if {stw.players.1} is not set:
            set {stw.players.1} to 1
            set {stw.queue.1.%player%} to 1
            set {} to true
            set {stw::%uuid of player%} to player
            teleport player to {stw.lobby.1}
            send "{@prefix} &7you joined the queue!&6 %{stw.players.1}%&6/4" to player

on death:
    if {stw::%uuid of player%} is set:
        set gamemode of player to spectator
[02:09:39 ERROR]: Unexpected entry 'if arg-1 is "join"'. Check whether it's spelled correctly or remove it. (, line 140: if arg-1 is "join":')
[02:09:39 WARN]: Possible name conflict of variables {stw::%uuid of player%} and {stw::*} (there might be more conflicts). (, line 184: if {stw::%uuid of player%} is set:')
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