Hello everyone, I have this weird bug. A few months ago I was really into skript, etc and then I stopped playing Minecraft until now and I've made my simple kitpvp and I remember my skript working perfectly fine back then but whenever I try to load it gives me an error saying on death cannot be cancelled, but I think I remember cancelling it somehow with addon or something. Is there any way to cancel it? My code:
on death:
set death message to ""
if {kp.players::*} contains player:
if attacker is set:
send "{@prefix} Žaidėjas &c%attacker%&a nužudė &c%victim%&a!" to {kp.players::*}
cancel event
wait 2 ticks
clear player's inventory
set player's gamemode to spectator
add 1 to {deaths.%victim%}
add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
add 2 to {kp.money.%attacker%}