Not changing name

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New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Im trying to make a auto comp skript for the pass 4 hours, i have not been able to change the fricking name of the block to something else because it has damage and has the skullsid tag from the skulls plugin. Please help me before i end up breaking something. Thank you!
{autocompressor::%player%.compress} = true

command autocompressortoggle:
aliases: /act, /autocompt, /comptoggle, /toggleac
permission: autocomp.comp
permission message: &cBuy the voucher in shops!
cooldown: 3 seconds
cooldown bypass: op
cooldown message: &cPlease wait %remaining time% before using this command again!
if {autocompressor::%player%.compress} is true:
set {autocompressor::%player%.compress} to false
send "&cAuto-Compressor is now set to %{autocompressor::%player%.compress}%!"
else if {autocompressor::%player%.compress} is false:
set {autocompressor::%player%.compress} to true
send "&aAuto-Compressor is now set to %{autocompressor::%player%.compress}%!"

every 0.1 second:
loop all players:
if loop-player is holding stick named "&eDiamond Block":
set name of the loop-player's held item to "&6Compressed Diamond Block"
enchant the loop-player's tool with mending
add armor trim flag and attributes flag and destroys flag and dye flag and enchants flag and placed on flag and potion effects flag and unbreakable flag to hidden item flags of loop-player's tool

every 0.1 second:
loop all players:
if loop-player has a slimeball named "&6Auto-Compressor":
if {autocompressor::%loop-player%.compress} is true:
if loop-player has 64 block of diamond:
remove 64 block of diamond from loop-player
console command "skulls give %loop-player% 97"