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Active Member
Apr 19, 2018

Suggested name: nick

What I want:
Hi I am making mini game and I want to change color of the name

Ideas for commands:

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
[doublepost=1524323983,1524323802][/doublepost]And I want to know how to reset the name
You may want to add more detail here. The tiny bit of detail gives no information about what you want to be made for you.
You may want to add more detail here. The tiny bit of detail gives no information about what you want to be made for you.
I am making mini game and I want to do like set RED team’s player name to red color and for yellow, yellow color.........
[doublepost=1524407028,1524406922][/doublepost]Like %player% to “&4%player%”
well you could set a variable when the game starts.... like
set {game::%player%::redteam) to true

and then to change the nick in chat to
on chat:
    if {game::%player%::redteam} is true:
        cancel event
        broadcast "[rank here] &4%player% &8» &r%message%"
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well you could set a variable when the game starts.... like
set {game::%player%::redteam) to true

and then to change the nick in chat to
on chat:
    if {game::%player%::redteam} is true:
        cancel event
        broadcast "[rank here] &4%player% &8» &r%message%"
Never cancel the chat event, many plugins/scripts use it for different purposes and cancelling could cause issues with them and other scripts.

If you want change the format, use the message format expression.
Never cancel the chat event, many events use it for different purposes and cancelling could cause issues with them and other scripts.

If you want change the format, use the message format expression.
Ahhhh duly noted. I will definitely keep that in mind for the future.
This is why I asked you to put detailed information.... so people could help you out, rather than having what you need, change constantly as people reply.
make all players see player's prefix as "&4"

this should color all the text that follows
Not the tab name, not the chat prefix, I want to change player’s name tag that above player to like”&4 sMple”