Solved Need help with player vanishing!

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Feb 1, 2017
So i tested this script with both of my accounts. And it works, but whenever the default group player quits, and joins back in, the admin's vanish mode turns off..

How can I fix this?

I think it is caused by the 'on quit:' part, but I want to make it so it only turns off the vanish mode if the admin quits. Not a random player on the server.

command /Vanish:
    permission: Vanish.use
    permission message: no no
        if {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%} is true:
            loop all players:
                loop-value doesn't have permission "Vanish.see"
                add loop-value to {_Vanishto::*}
            reveal player from all players
            set {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%} to false
            send "not vanishd"
            loop all players:
                loop-value doesn't have permission "Vanish.see"
                send "join %player%" to loop-player
            loop all players:
                loop-value doesn't have permission "Vanish.see"
                add loop-value to {_Vanishto::*}
                send "quit %player%" to loop-player
            hide player from {_Vanishto::*}
            set {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%} to true
            send "vanishd"
            while {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%} is true:
                show an action bar from "you are in vanish" to player
                wait a second

on quit:
    reveal player from all players
    set {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%} to false
    wait 1 tick
    delete {sql_.mineplex.Vanish.%player%}
its caused by the
hide player from {_Vanishto::*}
part. If a player joins, you have to hide all vanished players from him again.
@sapphyrusxyz I added this

on join:
    loop all players:
        if {sql_.vanish.%loop-player%} is true:
            player doesn't have permission "Vanish.see":
                add player to {_vanish::*}
It won't work, i join with my other acc and i can still see the vanishd player? :C
btw I know the variables and stuff look different, i just updated the script so changed the variable names

It should work!
Why isn't it working?
@sapphyrusxyz I added this

on join:
    loop all players:
        if {sql_.vanish.%loop-player%} is true:
            player doesn't have permission "Vanish.see":
                add player to {_vanish::*}
It won't work, i join with my other acc and i can still see the vanishd player? :C
btw I know the variables and stuff look different, i just updated the script so changed the variable names

It should work!
Why isn't it working?

on join:
    loop all players:
        if {sql_.vanish.%loop-player%} is true:
            player doesn't have permission "Vanish.see":
                add player to {_vanish::*}
                hide loop-player from player

try that
I dont really understand your variables tbh..
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