need help with on rightclick event

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Feb 5, 2021
Hello, I don't quite understand one thing about this event:/ Well you see I made my sign sell system with it and it worked fine for 2 items but when I tried to add 3 items it doesn't work anymore and the code is still completely the same idk why:/ Its works only one time when its placed but then it stops. Anyway here's my code:
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "cobblestone":
            set line 2 to "cobblestone"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "2€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 cobblestone:
                    remove 16 cobblestone from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 cobblestone!"
                    add 2 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi cobblestone pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "stone":
            set line 2 to "stone"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "5€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 stone:
                    remove 16 stone from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 cobblestone!"
                    add 5 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi stone pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "birchlog":
            set line 2 to "birch log"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "2€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 birch log:
                    remove 16 birch log from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 birch log!"
                    add 2 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi birch log pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
Hello, I don't quite understand one thing about this event:/ Well you see I made my sign sell system with it and it worked fine for 2 items but when I tried to add 3 items it doesn't work anymore and the code is still completely the same idk why:/ Its works only one time when its placed but then it stops. Anyway here's my code:
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "cobblestone":
            set line 2 to "cobblestone"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "2€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 cobblestone:
                    remove 16 cobblestone from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 cobblestone!"
                    add 2 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi cobblestone pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "stone":
            set line 2 to "stone"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "5€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 stone:
                    remove 16 stone from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 cobblestone!"
                    add 5 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi stone pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
on rightclick:
    if block is sign:
        if line 1 is "sell":
            set line 1 to "&e&lParduoti"
        if line 2 is "birchlog":
            set line 2 to "birch log"
            set line 3 to "16"
            set line 4 to "2€"
            if player's tool is air:
                if player has 16 birch log:
                    remove 16 birch log from player's inventory
                    send "&8[&bPrison&8] &aPardavei 16 birch log!"
                    add 2 to player's balance
                    send "&cTu neturi birch log pardavimui!"
                send "&cTavo ranka turi būti tuščia, kad galėtum parduoti!"
Any errors?
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