Solved Naming problem

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Nov 18, 2019
So I am trying to make a wand plugin, but if I have a regular stick, it confuses it with a wand. I want to know how to let the skript know it is unnamed/named.

on load:
register new shapeless recipe for stick named "&2&lBasic Wand&r" with lore "&2&n&lRight Click to use!" and " " and "&c Improve with 2 cobblestone," and "&c2 coal, and 1 dirt!" using stick, dirt, cobblestone, air, air, air, air, air, air
register new shapeless recipe for stick named "&c&oImproved &2Basic Wand&r" with lore "&2&n&lRight Click to use!" and " " and "&c Improve with 3 cobblestone," and "&c4 coal, and 1 dirt!" using stick named "&2&lBasic Wand&r", dirt, cobblestone, cobblestone, coal, coal, air, air, air
register new shapeless recipe for stick named "&9Better Wand&r" with lore "&2&n&lRight Click to use!" and " " and "&c Improve with " and "&c7 coal and 1 dirt!" using stick named "&c&oImproved &2Basic Wand&r", dirt, cobblestone, cobblestone, coal, coal, cobblestone, coal, coal
set {named} to false

on shoot:
shooter is a player
if name of shooter's held item is "&2&lBasic Wand&r":
set metadata value "Damage" of event-projectile to "1"
set metadata value "Wand" of event-projectile to "Basic Wand"
set {named} to true
if name of shooter's held item is "&c&oImproved &2Basic Wand&r":
set metadata value "Damage" of event-projectile to "2"
set metadata value "Wand" of event-projectile to "Improved Basic Wand"
set {named} to true
if name of shooter's held item is "&9Better Wand&r":
set metadata value "Damage" of event-projectile to "3"
set metadata value "Wand" of event-projectile to "Better Wand"
set {named} to true

on damage:
"%damage cause%" is "projectile"
set {_damage} to metadata value "Damage" of event-projectile
set damage to {_damage} parsed as number
set {type} to metadata value "Wand" of event-projectile
#broadcast "%attacker% damaged %victim% by %damage% with %{type}%."

on rightclick holding stick:
set {wanduser} to player
set {_cd} to difference between {shoot-arrow.%uuid of player%} and now
if {_cd} is less than 0.2 seconds:
set {shoot-arrow.%uuid of player%} to now
shoot arrow from player at speed 10

on projectile hit:
set {_locationtarget} to the location 1 in front of the projectile
drawLine particle redstone, RGB 0, 1, 1, center {wanduser}, target {_locationtarget}, id "%shooter%", rainbowMode true, solid false, density 1, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 32, displacementXYZ 0, 1.2, 0, pulseDelay 0
delete projectile

skDragon, Skript, SkVault, Skquery
Pretty sure this is right:
on rightclick holding stick:
    name of player's held item is set
    #do wand stuff
From my experience, if the custom name of an item is not set, %name of %itemstack%" will return <none> which means that it isn't set. That code should prevent players using normal sticks as wands but it will work like a wand if it has a custom name set. I don't know if this varies from version to version though.

To detect if a player's held item is not named, you do the opposite:
name of player's held item is not set
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