My code isnt working for some reason

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Feb 4, 2024
on right click with 1 red dye:
    if name of tool of player is "&4Strength":
        if {team.%player%} is 4:
            if {strength.%player%} is 0:
                execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 2"
                add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                remove 1 red dye from player
            if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 1:
                execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 3"
                add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                remove 1 red dye from player
            if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 2:
                execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 4"
                add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                remove 1 red dye from player
            if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 3:
                execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 5"
                add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                remove 1 red dye from player
            if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 4:
                execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 6"
                add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                remove 1 red dye from player
Im trying to make it so that when you right click the red dye, you gain 1 attack damage, but it doesnt work and it doesnt havae any errors in Skript.
You could try changing the beginning of the script to
on right click:
    if player's tool is red dye named "&4Strength":
try this
on right click:
    if event-item is red dye:
        if name of event-item is "&4Strength":
            if {team.%player%} is 4:
                if {strength.%player%} is 0:
                    execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 2"
                    add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                    remove 1 red dye from player
                if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 1:
                    execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 3"
                    add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                    remove 1 red dye from player
                if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 2:
                    execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 4"
                    add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                    remove 1 red dye from player
                if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 3:
                    execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 5"
                    add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                    remove 1 red dye from player
                if {strength.%player's uuid%} is 4:
                    execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 6"
                    add 1 to {strength_number.%player's uuid%}
                    remove 1 red dye named "&4Strength" from player
    strength-item: 1 red dye named "&4Strength"

on right click with red dye:
    if 1 of event-item = {@strength-item}:
        if {team::%uuid of player%} = 4:
            if generic attack damage attribute of player < 6:
                remove 1 of event-item from player
                set generic attack damage attribute of player to (generic attack damage attribute of player + 1)
changed {team.%player%} to {team::%uuid of player%}
None of these worked for some reason. I even made another skript to check and it didnt work. When I right click with the item, it doesn't go away.