mmskript - how to get MythicMobs UUID on entitiy damage event

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New Member
Feb 11, 2018
Dear All!

I am struggling with a situation:
I can extract the Mythic Mobs UUID on spawnevent and on deathevent, but i have no idea how to extract when on damage of entity.

This is what i have:

on mythicmob spawnevent:
    set {_mobuuid} to uuid of activemob event-activemob
    send "%{_mobuuid}%" to players  #this is just for testing whether it gets the uuid

on damage of entity:
    victim instanceof activemob
    set {_mobuuid} to uuid of activemob event-activemob
    send "%{_mobuuid}%" to attacker  #this is just for testing whether it gets the uuid
on mythicmob deathevent:
    set {_mobuuid} to uuid of activemob event-activemob
    send "%{_mobuuid}%" to event-killer  #this is just for testing whether it gets the uuid

This gives the error that "use victim / attacker on damage event". So it seems it can not utilise mmskript on this event.
If i use "victim" than it just doesn't extract any UUID.

My plan is that i would like to save the player UUID who hit any MythicMobs first, using the mob's UUID as well, so when it dies we can determine who aggro'd the mob and than split XP, etc...

I even tried skript-mirror with


to help me extract the UUID, but i'm not good with java, so i couldn't really figure out how to implement the java codes into skript.

Could you please help me?
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