Solved Mining Issue

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Active Member
Apr 24, 2017
Hello, I am currently trying to make a Skript where you need to buy the permission to mine iron ore:

on break of iron ore:
if player doesn't has permission "mine.iron":
cancel event
send "&bYou can not mine iron! Buy the ability to do so with &e/unlockore %player%"
#what to put here?

but I'm not sure what to put in the 'else' section to make it work with fortune enchant.
Any help is appreciated :emoji_grinning:
Else is optional, in your case you don't need else clause since you only need it to check permission
I got rid of the else function and it doesn't work with fortune
What is not working? The drops? They should work like normal unless you made some changes in other scripts
on break of iron ore:
    player doesn't have permission "mine.iron"
    cancel event
    send "&bYou can not mine iron! Buy the ability to do so with &e/unlockore %player%"
on break of iron ore:
    player doesn't have permission "mine.iron"
    cancel event
    send "&bYou can not mine iron! Buy the ability to do so with &e/unlockore %player%"

Ah! I just realised I put "has" instead of "have", I indented the cancel event and send message and it works now - thanks :emoji_slight_smile:

What is not working? The drops? They should work like normal unless you made some changes in other scripts
Thanks for your help too :emoji_grinning:
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