Loop all items in... error.

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Jan 29, 2017
I have these two errors with "loop all items in ..."

I'm using lastest version of benkus skript and addons.

Error 1:

There's no loop that matches 'loop-player's inventory' (caducidad.sk, line 92: loop all items in loop player's inventory:')

at 00:00 in world "world":
    loop players:
        [B][I][COLOR=#59b300]loop all items in loop-player's inventory:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
            loop-item is {@carne_fresca}          
            set {_fecha::*} to uncolored lore of loop-item split at "/"
            replace "Fecha: " with "" in  {_fecha::1}
            set {_fecha::1} to {_fecha::1} parsed as integer
            if {_fecha::1}-{calendario.dia} is greater than 3:
                set {_cantidad} to amount of loop-item in loop-player's inventory
                remove {_cantidad} of loop-item from loop-player's inventory
                give {_cantidad} of rotten_flesh named "Carne de vaca podrida" to loop-player
                send "{@prefijos-caducidad-valor} <light red>Hay carne de tu inventario que ha caducado" to loop-player
            if {calendario.dia}-{_fecha::1} is greater than 3:
                send "La diferencia de dias es mas de 3" to loop-player
                set {_cantidad} to amount of loop-item in loop-player's inventory
                remove {_cantidad} of loop-item from loop-player's inventory
                give {_cantidad} of rotten_flesh named "Carne de vaca podrida" to loop-player
                send "{@prefijos-caducidad-valor} <light red>Hay carne de tu inventario que ha caducado" to loop-player

Error 2:

the clicked block is not a world (caducidad.sk, line 52: loop all items in inventory of clicked block:')

on right click:
    target block is a chest
    [COLOR=#59b300][B]loop all items in inventory of clicked block:[/B][/COLOR]
        loop-item is {@carne_fresca}
        set {_fecha::*} to uncolored lore of loop-item split at "/"
        replace "Fecha: " with "" in  {_fecha::1}
        set {_fecha::1} to {_fecha::1} parsed as integer
        if {_fecha::1}-{calendario.dia} is greater than 3:
            set {_drop} to amount of loop-item in inventory of clicked block
            remove {_drop} of loop-item from inventory of clicked block
            give {_drop} of rotten_flesh named "Carne de vaca podrida" to inventory of clicked block
            message "{@prefijos-caducidad-valor} <light red>Hay carne en el que ha caducado"
        if {calendario.dia}-{_fecha::1} is greater than 3:
            set {_drop} to amount of loop-item in inventory of clicked block
            remove {_drop} of loop-item from inventory of clicked block
            give {_drop} of rotten_flesh named "Carne de vaca podrida" to inventory of clicked block
            message "{@prefijos-caducidad-valor} <light red>Hay carne en el que ha caducado"
try using this instead? It loads for me successfully. not able to sign in and test though.
"%loop-item%" = "{@carne_fresca}"
It gives me the same error.

The errors are in these two lines:

loop all items in loop-player's inventory:


loop all items in inventory of clicked block:
I'm not 100% sure but I think this works

loop loop-player's inventory

loop clicked block's inventory

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