Looking for a completed Random Item skript.

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Apr 17, 2024
Hello, I'm in search of someone who will create an organized skript that has some specifics needed.
The general idea is: Players can toggle on/off a command (/random) if they are in the specified world, to receive a random block/item from a selected list of items all with unique customizable raritie percentages, and stack size vanlue ranges.

Skript Name: Randomizer

List of features wanted:
- A command to easily whitelist blocks/items that players can receive.
- Have these items be show up in a list somewhere back in the skript configs or wherever needed, along with a default rarity value that I can easily edit. (even better would to be able to edit this value in game whilst whitelisting it! But not needed) I won't have more than 100 items so I wont be going over 100% total or lower than 1% on any rarity values, if that matters, I'm not sure. But yea.
- I would also like the whitelisted items to have a randomized stack size given using 2 values of my choosing too.. randomize and choose from. the default if with the abiltiy to easily change it either using the in game whitelist command, or manually in configs.
- I'd like to be able to tell it which Multiverse worlds this will be enabled in, with a permission message sent if player is in the incorrect world. (Unless I can somehow hide commands per world in Luckperms?) I can reasearch that myself if so.
- Be able to customize in the skript how long the duration is for every new item/s being sent.. obviously.. I know.

- Commands:
--/randomize (to toggle on or off the skript per player (only enable this if in the correct multiverse world)
Permissions: None
--/randomwhitelist <minecraft:item/block name> <rarity value in percentage> <stack size (2 value ranges)> stack size example: <1, 1> to ensure that its always 1 item. or example: <1, 5., means i get anywhere from 1-5 of that item, at every interval, if that item was chosen.
Permissions: random.whitelist

This would be a great addition to my server I've been working on, and having something like this would not only be a quick fun addon but a good skript to learn from in the future. I am open to talk on discord and spend a little cash for this! Any better places to be posting stuff like this? let me know, thanks.
The skript I sent: Don't reference any of that, it was just some testing that may give someone a little more insight here.

Im on no strict time schedule, but ill say 2 weeks..


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