Load and set Skin from file

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That's for change the skin from a player's name. And it can be done in Skript.

You need MundoSK and ProtocolLib to use the following expressions:

%player%'s displayed skin
displayed skin of %player%

skin with value %string% signature %string%

The first one returns the player's current displayed skin, can be set. And the second one returns a skin object from a specific value and signature which you can get from mineskin.org. Once you generate your skin from your file copy the texture value and texture signature and replace them in the expression. An example:

on join:

    if player has permission "skin.default":
        #Signatures & values are way long so it's better to put them in separate variables.
        set {_signature} to "gCVRFFQWW8W1369Zy6I+7Wj1aX4zhgicqJHLiwEf/KraEm4IgCuMDNLKX5qvwngwWom7AzkHzkEKe98mjtij01yh16+deb7uGA+Kvinfu+/N+pcIXad49l0jV4pbzYAbz0Rsi/PxD3L21xeFRPDWUSDbzDbW1biJuwP+0SDzWJxVuBMcV4GqfttIOlRrGQT8k3rf+PjD0LATpBbFr7uX3KhPFEJ7+PloreSMHhpPlamMOT5joWYfefOdV6Buiw4wqaUrGVDGS3w6c0V6/lWvJ0uxQ1DnrnLkjkqMbpOVzSOsHi7RXCCpfvzQsgEA1rTYEafEWTqUYA8xsnYbdfdszsRMa8BzWaC4YCoWeag79rzQbI3Vsh/Z1SNnyuEXfiCtzBYggmw5wbOZuVVfaZNUnbJSchHHrF/VjlawjKUZG3cHjrYWsFhwF6HVEjFT96RMD0rFiygouuPAuD7tyt+KvjKK0QksiM71QCT7OvNlr0VdOEQIBwxy/B7H8B3edlImtAC+wwPUgpcnODFb0qU/K1RqmRdyxC6E23WlbbDKOrDS7VssftNgwU3CJGTDN0UMmaruOQsTP+DrQ+ZYTLcr/JEuqCTUBl4AqWRytVp2bZVH7TuPaM50YQ12mt23PQ9IscafG/WD46DB+CUvrCCO+IRhF6FR9/NUW3LX4A7FnrQ="
        set {_value} to "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MDA4MTU3MDk0ODYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImUzYjQ0NWM4NDdmNTQ4ZmI4YzhmYTNmMWY3ZWZiYThlIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJNaW5pRGlnZ2VyVGVzdCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVJlcXVpcmVkIjp0cnVlLCJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDYzYWNhNzAzNWFlMjkyZWRhODg1MWJiMjU4OGQ1ODgyODE1ZjE3ZmVkZDIyNmMxNzZkNzY2YzRkNjU5MCJ9fX0="

        set displayed skin of player to skin with value {_value} signature {_signature}