level up system

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New Member
Dec 20, 2018
Category: ffa

Suggested name: leveling

What I want:i need help on making what basically the title says, i also want to add like prestige in there as well. up to level 120, i want the level up system for every kill be random on how much kill each person gets

this is an example how on much xp is needed to get ranked up
<10 = 15 XP
<20 = 30 XP
< 30 = 55 XP
<40 = 85 XP
<50 = 125 XP
<60 = 250 XP
<70 = 600 XP
<80 = 800 XP
<90 = 900 XP
<100 = 1000 XP
<110 = 1200 XP
<120 = 1500 XP

also i want where if you dont get the kill but you get a small xp and coin reward based on your enemy’s level and your percent of damage you got on the kill.
the main kill i want where you receive xp and coins based on your enemy’s level.

it should be like the amount of xp/coins you get from a kill is far more than what you get from an assist.

if you have any questions/would like to make this. please let me know!

Ideas for commands:
no commands for it, just a scoreboard
Ideas for permissions:
no perms

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time