Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

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And what, exactly is the issue?
The problem lies in the permission check, I want each page to display 6 lines of kits. Yet, when a player lacks a permission for a kit, it doesn't show it (which is intended) displays as <none> but it doesn't show the full 6 lines.


When opped:

When deopped w permission:

When deopped w/o permission:

Notice the <none>? I want it to be hidden AND show test7 on this page
I believe, then, that the problem lies with your variables, with stuff like {_k} and {_z} (I recommend you change those names so you know what they're doing btw, for example in normal programming a "ball width" variable wouldn't be called bw, it'd be BALLWIDTH or BALL_WIDTH (all caps in programming var names is common practice but not required)) As far as I can tell with your math and the way you set them, it checks for all values between test(1-6), but then you don't return test1 if they don't have the permission, so it ends up only returning 2-6 and is forced to display none for the last one.

TLDR; maybe change variable names, your variable setting seems to be causing issues
I believe, then, that the problem lies with your variables, with stuff like {_k} and {_z} (I recommend you change those names so you know what they're doing btw, for example in normal programming a "ball width" variable wouldn't be called bw, it'd be BALLWIDTH or BALL_WIDTH (all caps in programming var names is common practice but not required)) As far as I can tell with your math and the way you set them, it checks for all values between test(1-6), but then you don't return test1 if they don't have the permission, so it ends up only returning 2-6 and is forced to display none for the last one.

TLDR; maybe change variable names, your variable setting seems to be causing issues
It works fine when I remove the permission check, I just need the perm check fixed :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
test1 has a permission assigned, and when a player lacks the permission, I want the kit to be invisible.
Unfortunately, instead, it shows up as <none>.
The second issue is that once it IS removed, only 5 list items are shown, I want the list to continue on, as if the kit didn't exist.