kit help

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May 5, 2024
Script 2.8.4
Mark version 1.20.4
It is.

Can you make a kit script?

/Kit settings
You can put in items while opening the gui
You can get the items you put in the gui every 5 minutes
Script 2.8.4
Mark version 1.20.4
It is.

Can you make a kit script?

/Kit settings
You can put in items while opening the gui
You can get the items you put in the gui every 5 minutes
command /kit:
    permission: kit.command.use
    permission message: &cYou do not have enough permissions to run this command
    cooldown: 5 minutes
    cooldown message: &7Wait another &a%remaining time% &7before running the command again.
    cooldown bypass: kit.cooldown.bypass
        give player iron pickaxe named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron sword named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron axe named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron shovel named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron hoe named "&eKit Default"
        give player bow named "&eKit Default"
        give player 64 torch named "&eKit Default"
        give player 64 steak named "&eKit Default"
        give player 64 stone named "&eKit Default"
        give player 64 arrow named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron helmet named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron chestplate named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron leggings named "&eKit Default"
        give player iron boots named "&eKit Default"
        give player water bucket named "&eKit Default"
        give player lava bucket named "&eKit Default"

        send "&7You have redeemed the default kit" to player